Jack shot Elsa an amused smile before finishing off the pancakes.

Anna cleared her throat. "So, umm, when do you want to go?"

Elsa shrugged. "Whatever time's good for you."

Anna opened her mouth, but Jack quickly spoke, "Why don't you girls go after breakfast? You can have lunch on the trail," he suggested.

Anna cast a questioning glance Elsa's way.

She smiled. "Sounds perfect."

Anna smiled too and made quick work of her pancakes. Elsa tried to help with the dishes, but Kristoff insisted that she get ready for her hike with Anna. Elsa helped Anna comb her hair, which took a good half hour with the help of some hair spray. Elsa changed into a snug emerald sweater and blue jeans. Anna was wearing a pink t-shirt that read, 'Yeah, I play like a girl. Jealous?' and cuffed blue jeans shorts. Elsa twisted her hair into its usual bun while Anna wove her hair into two separate braids.

Elsa smiled. "You still wear it like that?"

Anna offered her a smile, full of nostalgia. "Yep."

Elsa remembered that their mother always used to braid Anna's hair into two separate braids. Elsa was surprised she still wore her hair like that. She thought Anna might have grown out of it. Elsa glanced at the mirror again, scrutinizing her bun. She missed her parents too... If only she could have had them for a few more years. Elsa shook her head. She couldn't dwell on the past. Right now she had to focus on Anna, make up for the years they'd lost together. The girls walked together to the kitchen, where they were handed backpacks.

"You guys packed this?" Anna asked.

Kristoff smiled. "Impressed?"

Anna returned his smile and kissed his cheek. "Very." She shouldered the backpack, grunting slightly. "How much did you pack?"

He smiled. "Just enough to feed you."

Anna playfully nudged him with her elbow. "Be good."

Kristoff smiled and brushed his lips against hers. Anna gasped, touching her lips. Her cheeks were dusted in a light pink. She threw her arms around Kristoff's neck. Elsa walked into the living room, deciding to give them some privacy. She seated herself on the couch. Jack followed her, seating himself beside Elsa.

"Be careful," he murmured, absent-mindedly tucking a tendril of hair behind her ear.

Elsa nodded, staring off into the distance. "I know."

Jack was about to reach out to touch her cheek when Anna and Kristoff walked into the room. He lowered his hand. Elsa tried to quell her disappointment.

Anna was practically skipping. "We're going on an adventure!"

Elsa chuckled. Her sister's enthusiasm was contagious. "Ready?"

"Yup! Let's go." She grabbed Elsa's arms and led her out of the house. She stopped before the forest and waved towards Kristoff and Jack. "See ya guys later!"

Elsa glanced back at Jack, missing him already. She was never away from him for more than an hour. Last night was an exception, but she'd been asleep most of them time. Anna tugged her along the path way, crisscrossed with tree roots, littered in leaves. Anna leapt over a decaying log. Elsa opted to step over it instead. She trailed behind Anna, watching the forest slowly pass by her in a daze. 

Anna's voice shook her out of her thoughts.

"What were you saying?"

"Just asking if you were excited for Thanksgiving."

Elsa paused. "Sure, I guess. Is it soon?"

Anna frowned. "Hmm. About... five days."

"Oh, I didn't know it was so soon."

Anna smiled. "Yep, I bet time fasts real fast when you're in an isolated cabin with Jack."

Elsa blushed. "I suppose so. He's fun to be around. When I'm around him, I can kind of forget."


Elsa nodded, wondering if Anna knew. "Yes. That someone's trying to kill me."

Anna shuddered. "Yeah, Jack told us."

Elsa frowned. "How..."

"How what?"

"How did you—"

"Get here?"

Elsa nodded.

"Well, Jack contacted Kristoff. Supposedly, he's under less surveillance than I am. Then Kristoff contacted me and we flew on a few planes. Apparently, we had to switch flights a lot and buy tickets we weren't going to use to get the creepy government people or whatever off of our trail." Anna paused and smiled. "It was so cool! Like being a spy or something."

Elsa talked with Anna until she nearly lost her voice. They took a long, leisurely break for lunch before continuing their hike. They passed a crystal-clear lake and went back into the forest. Elsa legs were getting sore. The girls took breaks more frequently. It was a bad day to wear sweaters. Though the day had started off as cool, it had warmed slightly. That, combined with their physical exertion, made them both feel rather hot. Her clothes were damp. With the back of her hand, she swiped the sweat away that beaded on her upper lip. Tendrils of hair were plastered to her neck.

"Wow, hope we... get there... soon," Anna huffed.

Elsa nodded silently.

After another half hour, they finally broke into the clearing. The house was straight ahead.

"Finally!" Anna sang.

Both girls seemed to gain a new burst of energy as they raced to the cabin. Elsa sighed with relief as the cool air conditioning washed over her.

"WE ARE HOME!" Anna announced.

Elsa sighed and collapsed onto the couch, savoring the cool draft that washed over her. Anna skipped into the next room, saying something about hunting down the boys. Elsa heard someone walk into the living room.


"Guess again." Jack leaned over the couch, giving her a clear view of his face.

She smiled wearily. "Hey."

He smiled back. "Hey. Tough hike."

Elsa shrugged. "Not too bad, it was just kind of warm." 

Elsa propped her sore, tired feet onto the couch cushion. It reminded her of when she used to be a waitress. Jack took her shoes off and began to rub along the arches of her feet. 

Elsa sighed with relief. "Bless you, Jackson."

He chuckled and kept on massaging her feet. A few minutes later he stopped. "Did you get to spend some quality time with Anna?"

Elsa nodded. "I think she's starting to relax around me." Elsa closed her eyes.

Jack moved around and sat on the couch, making the cushions sink slightly. He caressed her face lightly. He bent down and softly kissed her lips until warmth pulsed within her, making her heart flutter. She sighed and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. His fingers gently ran along the length of her spine, stoking the fire within her.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Jack drew away, surprised. Elsa inhaled sharply, heat flooding her face. She jerked upright and saw Anna standing in the doorway.

Anna's mouth formed a small 'o.' "Oh, uh, sorry. Just wanted to tell you guys that dinner's ready."

Jack cleared his throat, though his voice still sounded a little husky. "Alright, we'll be right there."

Elsa sighed and stood with Jack. She hadn't seen him for hours. She just wanted five minutes or so alone with him. Her eyes briefly fluttered close when Jack touched her cheek. Though it wasn't nearly enough. Elsa wanted Jack to hold her. And never let go.

Love Thaws: MeltingWhere stories live. Discover now