Chapter 6

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*Erica's P.O.V.*

I heard Andy's voice downstairs and CC shifted.

"You know we should probably get up..." He said.

"Awww I don't wanna though." I whined.

He laughed and crawled out of bed I followed him and he kissed me for a minute, then said "You know, I kind of would like to see what the guys would do when they find out you got your memory back from me kissing you." I smiled and laughed.

"We shouldn't even tell them..." I said jokingly. He smiled as he hugged me tightly, gently swaying back and forth. I had my head rested on his chest and he gently kissed the top of my head.

"Haha, we shouldn't." He said. I smiled as he spoke again. "We can't tell them we're dating though, they wouldn't be too happy..." I smiled and nodded. He kissed the top of my head again, then slowly pulled away and headed downstairs. I shut my door behind him and locked it, then hopped in the shower.

15 minutes later I walked downstairs in a pair of normal jeans and a BVB shirt. I walked into the kitchen for whatever reason, then walked back out and flopped on the chair next to CC. CC and I glanced at each, then Ashley who was sitting next to CC got up, stretched and went upstairs, leaving the remote on his couch. I heard his door shut and CC and I looked at each other then shrugged.

"I'm going out again, gonna meet Juliet somewhere. Adios fuckers." Andy came out of the kitchen saying, then walked out the door. CC and I looked at each other and laughed as I moved over to sit by him.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and then at the same time, both said "I'm bored." We laughed.

"Jinx you owe me a coke." I said. He got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. A moment later came back with a coke in his hand. He handed it to me. I smiled and laughed as I opened it and took a drink. We sat in silence for about 5 minutes before CC got up and grabbed my hand.

"We're going out Ashley!" He shouted.

"K!" I heard Ashley shout back down and CC walked me outside and to his car.

I got in without question and he started it, backing out of the driveway and started down the road to my house.

5 minutes later, we pulled into my house. I got out and walked up to the doors, CC trailing behind, holding my hand. I opened the door and walked to the elevator.

A minute later I was facing my door. I placed my hand on the handle and slowly opened the door, walking in. I looked around and then something caught my eye. A spot on the floor. Blood red. My blood. I stared at it, then felt CC's hand on my shoulder. i stepped back into his arms which he wrapped around my stomach and lead me away from the blood stain. I walked to my bedroom and looked around and everything was the same as I had remembered.

 I felt CC snake his arms around my waist and start to gently kiss my neck, then there was a knock on my door. I flipped out. Last time there was a knock on the door, I ended up in the coma for a month. I turned and looked at CC.

"I'll get it." CC said. He kissed me one last time, then pulled away and walked to the living room. I listened to the voices of CC and another strangely familiar voice.

"Is Erica here."

"Depends who's asking."

"I don't know, who are you?"

"Wow, you don't know who you are. When did you quit going to school." I smirked at CC's response.

"Look man, is Erica here or not." I heard an irritated sigh.

"Erica." CC called. I slowly and cautiously walked out. I walked out to the living room and walked around the door, which CC had his hand on, ready to close. I waked around him and saw one of my ex boyfriends. Kyle.

"Hey baby. I've had time to think, and you were right. I was being a selfish ass. Well, I've cleaned up my act now." He said, holding his arms open. I stepped back, slightly behind CC.

"Kyle. 1. You're too late, 2. What's make you think I'll take you back after what you did to me?" I asked him.

"But baby, I've cleaned up. No more drugs. No more drinking. No more cheating. No more abuse. I've been clean for 2, almost 3 years now. I promise." He said, taking a step in.

"Kyle, you better leave before I call the cops on you." I said. His face fell.

"I'm not leaving. I've gone 4 years without you, and I did what you said. I'm clean now and I'm here to take you back. I still have all of the stuff you left with me. It cost me a lot of relationships, but it was worth it. So now I'm here to apologize, done, and take you back with me and I'm not leaving until you're with me again." He said, more sternly.

"Look man, she said no, leave her alone and get out." CC said, taking a step forward, his fists now clenched.

"I don't know who you are, b-"

"I'm her boyfriend and if she wants you to leave. Leave." CC said, his voice low, like a growl, taking another step forward.

"Like she would date an emo fag like you. Oh wait, she's an emo fag too. Makes sense." He said, a sly tone to his voice. Oh no. He shouldn't have said that.

CC lunged forward, latching onto his throat, knocking them both to the floor. I watched as a batt;e unfolded. But the battle, thankfully, was over as soon as it had started because CC had kneed him pretty hard in his balls and he quickly surrendered, then pretty much crawled away, tears in his eyes.

"Thank you." I said, stepping forward and hugging him tightly, trying not to cry. All of the memories of him came flooding back and they were nothing but bad memories.

"Anything for you." He said, gently kissing the top of my head. "Who was he?" CC asked a moment later, breaking the silence.

"Kyle...An ex boyfriend. I broke up with him, then for a year he called me constantly, stalked me, text bombed me, showed up at my door uninvited, then started a fight with whoever was at my house and finally I had enough. I invited him in, then excused myself to go the bathroom and called the police. 5 minutes later he was taken to jail for 2 1/2 years and I had a restraining order put on him. Then I haven't seen him again until today." I explained to CC.

"Ohh ok....Why'd you break up with him?" He asked. He would regret asking that because it was another horrible part of my past.

"He abused me....Many different ways." I said. That meaning physically, sexually and verbally. "He was always out, never around and always came home drunk. Forced me to go to parties. Drink with him. Drink so much I couldn't remember my own name. Made me get high with him. Made me give him money to buy his drugs...Anything." I said, taking in a shaky breath. CC hugged me tighter, rubbing my back, comforting me so I wouldn't cry. I had never had a boyfriend like him. One who cared and was there for me when I cried instead of telling me to suck it up.

I smiled at the thought of having such a good man in my life. The next thing I knew I was being picked up bridal style and carried me over to the couch. He sat down, placing me on his lap, then laid down with me on top of him. He held me tightly, as if he never wanted to let me go and I listened to his steady heart beat. It was so calming. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, deciding to let sleep take me prisoner.

You've Got To Be Kidding Me! **In Editing**Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin