Chapter 3

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*Erica's P.O.V.*

 "I dare you to....Umm...." He paused a second then his face twisted into a smile. "Kiss Erica. Full on the lips, tongue and everything, for 30 seconds." I glared at Ashley who was smirking, then looked to CC whose face had gone white. He looked at me, then turned to me and leaned in. Our lips met and sparks flew. I instinctively kissed back. The kiss deepened as his tongue slid across my bottom lip. I granted entrance and his tongue went down my throat. He kissed me harder and I leaned back a little. He kept pushing until he was on top of me, holding me. I heard distant calling.

"CC...CC...CC." I heard Ashley saying.

"Uhm you guys passed 30 seconds...Hello...Ugg." Andy said. We were pretty much oblivious to them.

"YOU GUYS!!!" They all shouted at us at once. We separated and CC got off of me and I sat up. They all looked at us and I could feel my face flushing red.

"That was like a minute and 1/2." Jake said.

*CC's P.O.V.*

 "I dare you to....Umm...." Ashley paused, then his face turned up into an evil smile. "Kiss Erica. Full on the lips, tongue and everything, for 30 seconds." What? What was he trying to get at? That I wouldn't do it and be chicken, then back out. Well I wasn't going to. I turned to Erica who was already looking at me. I leaned in and our lips connected.

"CC...CC...CC." I heard Ashley saying.

"Uhm you guys passed 30 seconds...Hello...Ugh." Andy said, clearly getting annoyed. I heard him, but I wasn't listening.

"YOU GUYS!!!" Jinxx, Jake, Andy and Ashley shouted at once. Ugg fine. I pulled away from Erica and moved off of her, then she sat up.

"That was like a minute and 1/2." Said Jake. Wow, that seemed a hell of a lot shorter.

I glanced at Erica and her face was red. I smirked to myself as I listened to the truths and dares go back and forth, kind of in my own world.

 Eventually an hour later, the game had pretty much died down and everyone seemed to be drunk except me and Erica(Ok, we were a little tipsy).

*Erica's P.O.V.*

I was sitting and talking and laughing and enjoying myself when I heard my phone ringing in the other room. I jumped up and stumbled into my bedroom and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"H-Hello?" I slurred into the phone.

"Are you drunk?!?" Questioned my now very angry father. Shit.

"N-No." I slurred.

"Bullshit! Don't lie to me! You're going to pay for this!" He shouted into the phone then the line went dead.

I was suddenly not as tipsy. I knew what was coming. I started shaking as I paced my room back and forth, crying. It's times like this that I've thought about cutting, but never did. I always remained strong.

As I paced my room, crying and scared, when I turned there was a pair of hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw CC's worried face. He knew something was seriously wrong. He embraced me in a tight hug and picked me up bridal style and set me on the bed, then laid next to me, hugging me tightly. He just rhythmically rubbed my back which calmed me down a little, but I eventually fell asleep.

*The next morning, Erica's P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning, still in CC's arms, to snickering. I didn't want to open my eyes because I knew the guys would be in my room, laughing at us. I felt CC move forward a little.

"Hmm." He mumbled. He moved forward again. "What?" He said, a little more awake now. He was pushed forward and he jolted upright.

"What?! Damnit, what?!" He practically shouted. It was silent for a moment, then I heard more snickering.

"So she isn't your girlfriend then?" Ashley said, obviously smirking. I heard CC sigh an irritated sigh.

"No, she isn't. I came in here last night and she was pacing back and forth crying so I comforted her and we fell asleep like this." He said, irritated. It was silent.

"Well wake her up, we're going to the mall." Andy said. I heard footsteps leaving the room, then CC gently shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at his face above. I smiled and slowly sat up. He didn't question last night.

"We're going to the mall apparently, so uhm... Get ready." He said. I nodded and stretched, the crawled out of bed grabbed my clothes-red lace panties, matching bra, white socks, ripped skinny jeans, black t-shirt-and walked to the bathroom. I started the shower, hopped in and 15 minutes later I was out. I got dressed and opened my bathroom door while I blow dried my hair and did my makeup. 20 minutes later I was done and I quickly brushed out my hair one last time, then brushed my teeth and walked out into the kitchen to join the guys who had cleaned my kitchen and living.

"Wow, thanks for cleaning guys. I appreciate it." I said, smiling.

"So, you ready to go?" Andy asked.

"Yea, let me get some money." I said, starting to walk to my room when there was a knock on my door. I thought nothing of it and opened it. In an instant I was attacked by my dad who slammed me into a wall, choking me and hit me repeatedly on the side of the head.

"You stupid emo freak! You whore! No one wants you! Not even your own mother!" He shouted at me as tears poured from my eyes, streaking my face. He hit me in the eye and lip, then dropped me as the guys walked out.

*CC's P.O.V.*

I heard a weird noise coming from near the door, then a thud.

"You stupid emo freak! You whore! No one wants you! Not even your own mother!" I heard a male voice shouting. I rushed out into view of the door. No. No no no no. No!

I saw a man beating Erica senselessly. I saw him hit her in the side of the head multiple times, then in the eye and lip, then he dropped her. He kicked her in the stomach and ribs.

"STOP!!!" I shouted at him without thinking. He paused and looked at me, a horrible twisted evil smile upon his lips. He took a few steps towards me.

"Who are you fags. More emo freaks that the slut invited over for a one night stand?" He said, laughing.

"No. Her friends." Andy said. He burst out laughing.

"Friends? Friends?" He said through his laughter. "This piece of shit has nothing, especially not friends." He said, motioning to her. I looked at her. The was blood smeared on her face and she lie lifeless on the floor. Tears and anger over took me as he turned, ran towards her and swung his leg, hitting her around the base of her ribs. She let out an 'oomph.' And he laughed! That was it. I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground, choking him with one hand and beating him with my other.

*Andy's P.O.V.*

I couldn't believe what I was seeing or hearing. Oh my God. How could this bastard treat her like this? Then I saw CC lunging forward and tackling him to the ground, choking him with one hand and beating him with the other. Jinxx called 911 while Ashley, Jake and I rushed to her side. She was laying lifeless on the floor, blood-covered face and barely breathing.

5 minutes later, the police were taking that man away and said he would probably be locked up for 10 years or more considering he was wanted for murder, human trafficking, aggravated battery, rape, assaulting an officer and arson. Oh my God. He should be locked up for life.

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I watched as paramedics lifted the delicate Erica onto the gurney and rolled her out. I can't believe that bastard did this to her. I can't believe CC took him on himself. And won. He must really care for her to beat that guy who was like 2 or 3 times more built than CC. The guys and I ran out to the car and got in, following the ambulance, but CC got to ride with her.

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