Chapter 5

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*Erica's P.O.V.*

The next morning I woke up to a low rumble of thunder. Then I felt someone's arms around me and the memories of last night came flooding back. My chest tensed up and I felt the hand start to rub my back, which soothed me and I relaxed.

"You want to talk about it?" CC asked me. I shrugged. "Well I think you should. Maybe I could help. It always helps to talk, and besides, its almost, 11. All the guys are gone, so its just you and me. I smiled at that thought and took a deep breath.

"I had a dream, that my dad came and beat me again. He beat me until I was near death. But this time I was alone. You weren't there to save me. Jinxx wasn't there to call 911. Andy, Jake and Ashley weren't there. I was alone and no one could stop him." I said, taking in a shaky breath. His grip on me tightened.

"First of all, that man isn't your father. 2nd of all, we will always be here for you. 3rd, that man is in jail. He got 2 life sentences for his many crimes and will be put in an asylum for the rest of his life. He isn't getting out. He won't find you or us and you're safe now. I promise you'll be safe as long as you're with us....With me." He said. I shifted and looked him in the eyes. I smiled and he smiled right back. Just then there was a loud crack of thunder, echoing through the skies and making me flinch, burying my head in CC's chest, which now vibrated with rumbles of his chuckling.

"It's just thunder, it won't hurt you. I promise." He said. I smiled and closed my eyes. I was ready to fall asleep again when once more there was a loud, deafening clap of thunder, making me jolt awake. It was followed by lighting and my room falling dark. I whimpered and CC's grip on me tightened again. He was stroking my hair and humming a calming tune. I smiled. I was about to fall asleep again and I could tell CC was too because his humming was becoming fainter and his stroking my hair was becoming slower.

"Hey CC?" I said, my voice enveloped with obvious tiredness.

"Yea." He said, his voice too enveloped in soon-to-come sleep.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked. I shifted so I could look at him.

"Being there for me...Being here right now, not going out and leaving me alone....Comforting me....Making me feel safe." I said, a slight smile on my lips.

"Welcome." He said, smiling. He kissed my forehead and I smiled, looking him in the eyes. He shifted me, moving me up, then kissed me on the lips. It was a gentle, passionate kiss. Perfect. Then the memories came flooding back. My job. What happened. Walking the streets, crying, trying to get home. He stopped me. We went back to my house. Then to the studio. Then to my house again....We played truth or dare. Us kissing. My dad's call. Them spending the night. The guys making fun of him the next morning.....The attack. I remembered everything. Then we separated. I looked him in the eyes. I could tell my face was flushed with paleness.

"What?" He said, sounding a little worried.

"I remember." I said hoarsely, just above a whisper. He looked shocked. Pale.

"Y-You r-remember?" He stuttered. I smiled and nodded.

"Everything." I said. He smiled and wrapped me in a tight embrace. I laughed and did my best to hug him back. He quit hugging me for a moment and looked me in the eyes.

"You know, I was going to pull you away at the mall and ask you this, but we kind of never got to the mall...Soo...I'll ask you now. Erica Nearwood, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. A smile a mile wide grew on my face. I swear a few tears pricked my eyes as I nodded, unable to speak. I was finally CC's girlfriend. I had been falling for him and I'd always had a crush on him...But I didn't think he felt the same. But he did.

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