Chapter 1

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I walked to my shitty waitressing job a couple of blocks away. I only got about $10-$30, $40 at the most a day in tips. I guess it was ok, but not what I wanted in life. I didn't have enough money to go to college and by now I didn't want to, so I couldn't be a veterinarian. I guess in a sense, I gave up.

A customer walked in and I walked up him. He was a younger man with the hipster look. He had dark brown hair, square black glasses, gray tight long-sleeved shit, scar and dark jeans. Also a little bit of a goatee.

"What can I get you sir?" I asked politely.

"I don't know, maybe I could skip right to desert." He said winking at me. I glared at him and his face fell. "Coffee, black." He said. I wrote it down and walked away to the back.

A moment later I came back and set his coffee in front of him. Black, just like he ordered. He took a sip, then spit it out.

"YOU CALL THIS GARBAGE COFFEE!" He shouted at me. I stood there, red face.

"I-Its black. Just like you ordered it." I said shakily.

"I ORDERED CREAM AND SUGAR TOO!" He shouted, then threw the coffee in my face and threw the cup on the floor. It burned my eyes and my skin. I screeched and stood there. I swear, I could hear the hot coffee sizzling on my skin. Just then my boss walked out. Great.

"Erica. What did you do?" He asked impatiently.

"I did nothing!" I shouted at him. "This guy here ordered black coffee and I gave it to him, then he claimed to have ordered cream and sugar and threw it in my face!"

"Sir, is this true?" My boss questioned him.

"I ordered coffee with 2 creams and 1 sugar and she brought it to me black and when I tried to give it back to her, she slapped it from my hand and it landed on her. My boss glared at me.

"Clean it up." He said.

"No. I quit." I ripped my apron off and stormed outside into the early morning sun, a cool breeze hitting me. Once I was out of sight of any windows of the small cafe, I started to walk quicker, tears pouring from my eyes.

*CC's P.O.V.*

I was wandering the streets of L.A. looking for something to do considering I was bored and off in my own little land when I felt someone run into me. I was ready to shout "Hey, watch it." But when I saw it was a small girl who smelled of coffee and had raven black hair, and crying my mood changed.

"Excuse me miss? Are you ok?" I asked, grabbing her arm. She turned, looking shocked.

"Yea, fine." She said, sniffling a little. "You're CC. From Black Veil Brides. Aren't you?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yea, I am. Are you ok though?" Taking a step closer. She had piercing green eyes and was about 2 or 3, maybe 4 inches shorter than me. She was gorgeous.

*Erica's P.O.V.*

I was walking quickly down the street, trying to avoid people but not really looking where I was going. Then I ran into somebody.

"Excuse me miss? Are you ok?" Someone asked. I felt a grip on my arm. That voice sounded extremely familiar. I turned and saw who I was like 99% sure was CC from my favorite band, Black Veil Brides.

"Yea, fine." I said, sniffling a little. Before I knew it, I was asking "You're CC. From Black Veil Brides. Aren't you?" He nodded and smiled. Oh my God. CC stopped me on the street. Oh my God oh my God oh my God. I was freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I was trying to remain calm.

You've Got To Be Kidding Me! **In Editing**Where stories live. Discover now