"He accidentally kissed me." Kyoya blurted.

Fuyumi's eyes widened. "What do you mean, 'accidentally'?" She asked, surprised, curious, and excited all at once.

"He tripped... and fell on me..." Kyoya began feeling irritated, knowing that she'd pester him about the subject now that he'd said. Still, it felt good to have someone else know. Before it was bottled up inside him, and he felt as if he finally opened the cap. It wasn't all out yet.

"And then after he'd accidentally kissed me, he stared at me... and I stared back at him..." Kyoya started, making Fuyumi get more excited.

"I felt like I wanted to punch him..."

'And kiss him again at the same time.' Kyoya thought to himself.

"He stayed on top of me for quite a while, and then I just blew. I yelled at him for no reason. I haven't talked to him since." Kyoya let out a long sigh, his cheeks bright red and beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. Now he was very uncomfortable.

Fuyumi patted the couch beside her, and Kyoya reluctantly got up, sitting beside her. "Why do you think you yelled at him?"

"I'm not sure, because he's a pervert?" Kyoya answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Is that really what you think?"

Kyoya thought for a moment. Why did he yell at Tamaki? He knew it was an accident, so it wasn't because he was a pervert.

"No." Kyoya folded his hands in his lap, looking down at them and avoiding his sisters eyes.

"How long have you known Tamaki?"

"2 or 3 years now..." Kyoya mumbled.

"Just 2 or 3? Because I remember you knowing the exact date of when you two met and exactly how many days it's been since then." Fuyumi smirked.

"I only had that information incase our father needed it." Kyoya looked at his wall, where his calendar was.

"Why would he need that information?"

"Well you can never be too prepared." Kyoya wasn't sure what his sister was getting at exactly, but knew it wasn't good.

"Just tell me how many days it's been."

"978 days."

"Seriously? Gosh that's a lot of days."

Kyoya nodded, still uncomfortable. "I have some homework to finish, but I thank you for talking to me." He began to stand, but his sister pulled him back down. "I wasn't finished." Kyoya sighed, leaning back into the couch.

"Out of those 978 days, how many of those have you considered Tamaki your friend?"


"Not because father told us to, because you truly felt he was your friend."

Kyoya paused.


Fuyumi's smile grew.

"How many of those days... have you been in love with him?"

Kyoya quickly looked at his sister, his eyes wide. After a few seconds, he calmed himself, replying with "None."

"Are you so sure about that?" Fuyumi grabbed her brother's hand. "I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable, but I want to help you. You have to realize your feelings for people, or else they'll never know, and you'll never be happy."

"I have no feelings for Tamaki, so you don't have to worry about making me realize them." Kyoya tried to stand, but was once again pulled down by his sister. "Look, I thank you for talking to me. I feel much better, and I think I'll go apologize to Tamaki now. But I am not in love with him, so I'd appreciate it if you stopped asking me." He tried once more to stand and succeeded, his sister sitting there quietly. "Alright I'm sorry. I shouldn't force you into admitting anything."

She stood, walking towards the door. "Maybe it was wrong of me to just assume you were gay..." She mumbled. "Wait Fuyumi–" Kyoya called, but she swiftly jogged out the door, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Why would she think I was gay?!"


Tamaki sat at his piano, playing a theme from a show his grandmother loved. She wasn't there. No one was there but a few servants. Still, he played as if he had an audience of thousands of people. "For my next performance, I'd like to welcome my special guest, Kyoya Ootori!" Tamaki announced to the invisible crowd. "He doesn't have much musical talent, but he'll be here for emotional support." With that, the imaginary people chuckled, and he pictured Kyoya sitting beside him.

Kyoya wasn't too accurate when Tamaki imagined him. He looked the same, but his actions were very different. "Wow, you're so good at piano Tamaki~" The imaginary Kyoya admired.

"Thank you Kyoya~" Tamaki spoke in the same tone he hosted girls in. "Tamaki you're so great at everything you do, and you're so handsome." The fictional Kyoya blushed. Tamaki imagined lifting his chin, looking into his cold, gray eyes. "Well you're the one who inspires me to be great~ I want to be able to impress you everyday~" Kyoya swooned over Tamaki, his eyes forming hearts and his smile growing.

Tamaki began to play another song. This time he decided to play "River Flows in You." by Yiruma.


Kyoya walked down the empty halls of the second Suoh mansion. He could faintly hear a piano playing, causing a small smile to appear on his face. Once he had reached the music room, he waited, standing beside the open doors in the hall so he wouldn't be seen. He could recognize the song easily; it was one of his favorites.

The song eventually came to an end, and Tamaki stood and bowed to his imaginary crowd. Kyoya walked into the room, slowly clapping. Tamaki looked up from his bow. "Kyoya!" The blonde exclaimed, standing straight again. He wanted so badly to run over and hug him, but after what happened last time they met, he decided to refrain from doing so. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "A guy can't come visit his best friend?" Kyoya asked, smirking. Tamaki smiled, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Kyoya suddenly was serious again, looking down at the ground. The room was darker than before; the sun almost completely gone now. "I apologize, for yelling at you. What happened wasn't your fault." He said awkwardly, having never apologized for his actions before-or at least, never sincerely.

"No, it's ok. I should start being less clumsy." Tamaki chuckled. "It's just... I didn't think my first kiss would be accidental, let alone with someone I actually liked." Kyoya scratched behind his neck, looking at the ground. Tamaki was confused by what he meant by 'actually liking' him. Which type of like was he referring to? "What do you mean?" Tamaki asked. "Well... I thought it'd be with some girl I was forced to marry. Who I'd most likely despise." Kyoya responded. Tamaki nodded, looking down a bit sad.

"Tamaki." Kyoya looked at the window on his right, the sun finally gone and the sky almost completely black besides the few stars and lights. Tamaki looked up, and watched as Kyoya awkwardly spread his arms. He ran up to him, wrapping him in a tight hug. Kyoya slowly closed his arms around Tamaki, leaning his chin on the blonde's shoulder.

'Thank you.'

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