Chapter 17 : Girls

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The next day, Eric had a novel idea and he told Angelo about it as they changed into their outfits in preparation for dance class.

The two boys put on sweat pants and tee shirts that matched what the girls were wearing. Eric then gave Angelo a hand, pulling his hair back for him and tying it back with an elastic band. As he did, the boy in dreadlocks said, "Look in the mirror. Don't we look like a couple of girls, Angel?"

Angelo knew Eric was right, of course. The mirror reflected a pretty brown-haired girl whose hair was being tied up by a lovely, deadlocked, creamy-skinned black girl. Angelo didn't reply right away, and he began to blush.

"Yes, we kinda do," he said finally.

"Do you like the idea of being a girl?" Eric asked.

"Um, well," Angelo was uncertain how to reply. Of course, he wanted to be a girl, and wanted to happily say as much, but since he feared being taken from his foster home if he showed outward girlish tendencies, he remained noncommittal.

"I wish I was a girl," Eric admitted. "It's the worst thing ever. I hate trying to be a boy."

"You do," Angelo asked, wide-eyed.

"Oh yes. I've been bullied all my life, beat up because I've always been feminine and weak. People have always made fun of me."

"Me too."

"At least in this class, I don't think anyone will make fun of us."

"I know, but they expect us to do boy parts, and I'm not strong. I don't think can, nor do I want to."

Eric smiled, and his hands caressed Angelo's slender, smooth arm. "Let's go and just be one of the girls in this class, okay?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"We'll, let's tell Miss Satterstein she doesn't need to treat us any differently than any of the girls. We can tell her that we will wear the same things as the girls, and that we'll just dance the girls dances. We'll tell her that she doesn't have to worry about teaching us seperate boys parts."

"You mean, wearing tutus and the other girl outfits?"

"Why yes," Eric said. "What do you say? Let's be girls here."

The idea really did excite Angelo, but he only responded with, "I don't know. My mom might not like it."

"No, just for class here, we'll be girls. You can be Angel and I'll be Erin. Your mom doesn't even have to know."

Angelo considered the idea. He would love it more than anything, but he was still afraid of child services finding out somehow and taking him away. "I can't, I just can't," he replied

"Why not? Give me one good reason," Eric inquired.

Angelo stood there, thinking about it until finally he relented, "Okay, but call me Angela."

Eric squealed and grabbed Angelo, hugging him tight, In the tiny space of that bathroom, he took Angelo's hands and began to do a dainty dance, giggling and acting very flamboyant.

When Eric told Miss Satterstein of their idea before the class started, she was not too keen on it but agreed to it for the time-being, since she was not ready to involve any dance curriculum for boys and would rather spend the time concentrating on the girls and their parts anyways.

She decided not to tell the others in the class, and just let the two boys dance the female parts, allowing the others to get used to them dancing as one of them.

Apparently it worked, for within a week, the other girls accepted them, and Miss Satterstein had begun addressing the class as "girls," never saying, "boys and girls."

Eric even went so far as to bring makeup in for the class sessions, and he and Angelo often put on a hint of lipstick and rouge when changing for class and would wash it off each other at the end of class.

"Angelo, I'm jealous," Carole said to him one day. "You're the prettiest girl in this class, you know."

"Oh no," he protested. "You are the prettiest." And in Angelo's mind, Carole was very pretty, in spite of having a round, freckled face. She looked naturally feminine, just as he wished he looked.

"I'm too fat," she responded, even though she was "fat" only in the view of what ballet dancers would consider "fat."

Angelo had begun to realize that he did have a particularly pretty, feminine face. He had full lips, a narrow chin and high cheekbones. And he liked that someone else recognized it as well.

At the advice of Eric, he had trimmed his eyebrows, and brushed his hair into bangs that framed his face. He had a naturally slender, almost swan-like neck, and porcelain white skin. His whole demeanor exuded a warm softness.

"Oh yes, Angelo," came the voice of Tamara, another of the girls in the class. "You are so pretty, as pretty as any girl around."

Eric walked over and added, pointing at Angelo, "I think she has the loveliest body, too. How about you guys call her 'Angela' from now on. And, you can call me 'Erin.'"

"What?" protested Carole as the other girls in the class gathered around. "You wanna be called by girl names now?"

"Yes, we would like that," Eric responded, exaggerating his voice into a high register. "But only in this class."

"Since we're dancing as girls, we think we should have girl names," Angelo added.

All of the girls, except one, cheered. Crystal, a tall, never-smiling girl with an awkward posture, turned away: "That's just gross and so wrong."

Yet, from that moment on, they were called "Angela" and "Erin" by all of the girls, except Crystal, who tried to ignore the two of them.

Miss Satterstein also only used their boy names. Even though their classmates were careful not to use their girls' names outside of the classroom, Angelo and Eric were pleased their classmates thought of them as girls.

Eric became Angelo's best friend. As the weeks went on, they shared their own life experiences with each other and how being female was "freeing" them from unhappy childhoods.

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