Chapter 16 : Him

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By Thursday, Angelo was back in school, having missed only two days of the new semester.

With a note from Anna Simms, his foster care worker, that the system had some "paperwork problems to sort out" as his excuse, his teachers accepted him back without question.

Angelo was pleased that he was hardly noticed by the other kids in his classes. He was the type of person that was content to sit quietly in each class, observing the others and saying nothing, never the center of attention.

As he walked the hallways, Angelo decided that even though he was dressed totally in a boy's outfit, there's no way he couldn't have still looked like a girl, with his longish hair flowing and his light, airy girlish mannerisms.

Fortunately, there were other effeminate boys in this arts specialty school, and with the exception of the few bullies in the hallways, Angelo felt relatively safe and content as he literally pranced down the hallway toward dance class.

"Angelo," Cecilie screamed as he entered the classroom. "You're back! What happened?"

Before he could answer, Eric, with his effeminate mannerisms on full display, danced over and placed his arms around Angelo. He hugged Angelo and quietly whispered into his ear, "I'm sooooooooo glad to see you, girl."

"Oh, Eric, get your hands off him," demanded Cecilie.

Eric dropped his hands and put a finger to his mouth. He gave a demure pout as he moved aside.

"Angelo, look at you, you're blushing," Cecile said. "You're so cute when you blush."

Angelo realized the Eric must have figured him out. Could Eric see that he was more of a girl than some of the females in the school? Could Eric tell that he really did feel like a girl? Or did Eric just assume he was gay?

Angelo noticed that Eric was wearing the same type of sweat outfits for class as the girls were; gray sweat shorts, a pink girl's tee shirt, and white dance slippers. With his dreadlocks and slender frame, he really did blend with the girls in the class.

Angelo explained his absence to the group by saying there had been some problems with the foster care system. He knew there was no way he could tell them the true details.

Miss Satterstein welcomed Angelo back and talked to him briefly before having him change into his dance sweats.

She told him that he hadn't missed too much in the two days he was gone since she had mainly given the class background in the history of ballet, showed some videos and only began a few basic steps.

"Just so you know, Angelo," she told him, "We'll be doing mainly dance steps for girls since you and Eric are the only boys in the class. It's important you learn those steps, and then I'll give the two of you some lessons meant for boys if time permits. Is that okay?"

Angelo merely answered, "I guess so," hiding his growing enthusiasm to be doing the female dance steps. Deep in his soul, he was jumping for joy.

The class that day was spent almost totally on basic positions and some easy steps. Yet, Angelo found his legs growing pained as he tried to hold positions, or make short dance steps. He realized his legs were not strong; indeed, most of the girls seemed to be handling the session better than he was. By the end of the class, he was truly panting.

Eric and Angelo changed in a boy's restroom, located off the classroom. Again, Eric addressed him as "girl," as they sponged themselves off before putting on their street clothes.

Angelo didn't protest his use of the word "girl," merely smiling back with a coy smile prompting Eric to say, "You should call me Erin. Now, let's see, what's your girl's name? I bet you're Angel, aren't you."

Eric giggled as Angelo blushed fully now. "See, I knew it. I can see you're just like me."

Angelo nodded as if to agree, but then protested "No, I'm a boy. I have to be a boy."

"You can't fool me," Eric persisted. "I think we'll both enjoy being one of the girls in this class. And, you, Angel my dear, are as pretty as any of the girls in this class."

Angelo was about to dispute this statement when the bell rang, signaling that they had to leave for their next class.

It was lunch time then and Cecilie steered Angelo to the same lunch table they had eaten at on the first day of school.

Cecilie was so busy gushing over the fact that Angelo had returned to the school
that he hadn't paid any attention to who was already sitting at the table as they approached with their trays.

"Oh Angelo, you're back," yelled Maxine. "Come sit with us."

"Oh hi," Angelo muttered to Maxine, as he approached the table. Stopping behind a chair and placing his tray down, he realized there was another boy at the table. And, in a glance, he was overcome with shock. He knew that he had seen this boy before.

"You know everyone here," Marie, a tall, striking blonde girl said, "Except for my friend, Jason."

"Nice to meet you," Angelo said, putting his tray down, quickly averting his glance.

Looking back, his heart began to beat at double its normal pace. He knew exactly who the boy was.

Angelo began to tremble as he realized it was Jason, the boy who had mooned over him at the mall during the summer when he was masquerading as Angela.

It was apparent, though, that Jason was too interested in his friend Marie, to recognize Angelo. Angelo picked his tray up and moved to the other side of Maxine, hoping that having her between him and Jason would hide him enough that he wouldn't be recognized, for now.

As conversation at the table picked up, Angelo soon found himself giggling with the girls just as he had the first day of school. At the same time, Jason and Marie were lost in their own tight conversation, speaking so low that the others couldn't hear and totally unaware of anything around them.

As the lunch hour was about to end, the group got up to return their trays. It was at this point that Angelo found Jason by his side.

"I think I know you from somewhere," Jason began.

"Oh? I'm new here." Angelo responded.

"I know I've seen you before."

"I doubt it," Angelo said, placing his tray on the conveyor belt and hurrying away.

Jason followed close behind. "You look so familiar. Are you sure we haven't met? Oh well, nice meeting you Angelo."

Angelo breathed a sigh of relief as the two headed down different hallways to their next class sessions. Jason must have recognized him, Angelo thought, but so far it appeared that he knew him only as a girl. Dressed in boy clothes, Jason couldn't figure out where he'd seen Angelo before.

Angelo knew he'd have to steer clear of Jason; but how could he? Jason was so friendly with Marie, and he'd likely be eating lunch with her in the weeks to come.

Later in the day, Angelo found himself sitting in class, daydreaming. It was then that he realized he was just a bit jealous of Marie for having attracted Jason's eye.

It was only to be expected, Angelo realized, since Marie was among the most beautiful girls in the school. Still, Angelo thought that if he were given the chance, he could be prettier and wouldn't have any problem stealing Jason away.

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