"What do you mean, Miss Hart?"

"What if... someone was degraded and picked on, but they had nicer things than the people bullying them? Could that happen?"

"Of course it could happen, Maya. If that were to happen it wouldn't be a rare occurrence, but they may handle the situation better than someone with less resources." Maya nodded and leaned back in her seat. Lucas tapped on his girlfriend's shoulder and furrowed his eyebrows when she turned around.

"What was that about?" He whispered. Maya shrugged and looked around the room, glancing at the new guy.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Why would-"

"Lucas, Maya, would you two like to share anything with the class?" Mr. Matthews warned.

Maya turned around and raised her eyebrows at the sudden, strict remark from their usually lenient teacher.

"You serious?" She laughed.

"No, but I would like it if you two stopped talking for once." He laughed back.

This all going on, the new student was taking it all in. From what he could gather, Maya was a spunky girl who spoke what was on her mind, Lucas and her appeared to be pretty close in his eyes, the teacher was nice, and didn't mind chattering, and the brown haired girl infront of him seemed sweet, almost naive in a way.

"I want you guys to read pages four-fourty-five to four-fifty-six in your text books tonight." As Corey finished his assigning of homework, the bell rang and the students scurried out of the room.

"You seemed very interested in today's lesson." Lucas stated his observation and Maya nodded.

"It's interesting to know that people were treated like that, and some people still are, even here." Lucas was shocked at how much she had payed attention in class.

They changed out in gym and met up at the bleachers again. The gym coaches asked the students to spread out and begin doing the stretches, lead by the coaches.

"What'd you think of the new kid?" Lucas asked as him and Maya walked laps around the gym.

"I dunno." Maya said quietly.

"I think he looks like he owns half of the country." Lucas laughed. Maya was immediately irritated by Lucas' judgment, considering that kid hadn't even said a word to him yet.

"Well I think he's kinda cute." Maya smirked. Lucas' smile drop quickly and he glared down at Maya, who still had a smug look on her face.

"You what?"

"You're angry, huh?" Maya asked, proving a point.

"Uh, a little!" Lucas' voice got loud and Maya tried not to laugh.

"Well it makes me angry that you were so quick to judge him. All you know about him is his last name and you're being mean."

Lucas realized what Maya was getting at, and calmed down a bit. They continued to walk laps as Lucas tried to wrap his head around what Maya just said, and her questions in history class.

"So you don't think he's cute?" Lucas questioned after awhile of them just walking.

"Does it bother you?" Maya asked. She smirked and shoved her elbow into his side.

"A little."

"Then I think he's cute." She smirked.

Lucas was fighting the urge to pin Maya against the wall and prove to her why he's the the only one she should think is cute, but little did he know she was only messing with him, trying to make him angry. She thought it was funny and adorable when Lucas got jealous or angry over little things, but she would never admit that to him.

When gym was over, Maya and Lucas made their way back to Mr. Matthews class to meet up with Riley. Hand in hand, they made their way down the hall of their fifth period and they heard what sounded like someone trying to open a locker.

Sure enough, the new boy was struggling to open his locker and Maya looked up at Lucas before walking away from him and over to the tall kid at his locker.

"Hey." He turned around and was startled to see the spunky girl from his history class standing in front of him. "Need help?"

"Uhh, yeah." He admitted. Maya took the little piece of paper with his locker combination on it and opened his locker for him. "Thanks." He breathed, shoving his unneeded books into it. Maya nodded and looked back at Lucas, who seemed to be growing impatient.

"I'm Maya."

"Liam." He pushed his glasses up on his nose and shut his locker.

"I don't know if you have plans after school, but usually my friends and I hang out here for awhile and then go grab a bite to eat. Wanna join us?" Maya was biting off more than she could chew with this kid. He's not who she usually befriends and everyone would soon see that.

"Actually, I can't today, my parents are expecting me home, but maybe tomorrow?" He let a small smile spread across his lips and Maya did as well. She agreed to his offer and turned back, glancing at Lucas.

"I should go, he gets cranky." She teased. Liam laughed and nodded, waving as they both turned their separate directions.

"So?" Lucas asked, immediately grabbing Maya by the hand when she was close enough to him.

"Well, that's Liam and he's going to hang out with us tomorrow after school." Maya smiled. They walked into Mr. Matthews class and were greeted by Riley. Lucas shook his head, causing Maya to turn away and Riley took notice of their body language.

"What's up?" Riley asked hesitantly.

"Lucas is cranky because I made a friend." Maya said pouting out her bottom lip.

"I'm not cranky." Lucas said crossing his arms. Maya raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Would this new friend happen to be a boy?" Riley asked, playing along with Maya picking on Lucas.

"It would!" Maya said dramatically. "The new boy, Liam" She added. "He's going to hang out with us tomorrow."

Lucas tensed up at the thought of Maya inviting Liam to hang out with them, and he rolled his eyes.

"New boy." Riley smirked.

"Yeah, and poor little Lucas is jealous." Maya turned to Lucas and smirked. For the second time in less than two hours, he had to resist the urge to pin her to the wall and kiss her.

"Lucas I think it's pretty obvious you two are together." Riley said, trying to help Lucas calm down.

"It's fine, Riley. He's just angry because I said that the new boy is kinda cute."

"Riley, can I talk to Maya alone?" Lucas asked abruptly after Riley's sentence ended. Riley looked to Maya to make sure it was okay. Maya nodded and Riley smiled before leaving the classroom and wandering off to find her dad.

"What's-a-matter?" Maya asked. She smiled to herself and sat on Mr. Matthews' desk. Lucas walked over to stand infront of her, placing his hands on her knees. "You jealous?"

"Not jealous. Now I just feel as if I have more to prove." Lucas moved her legs so he could stand between them and get even closer to Maya.

"How so?" She questioned.

"Not jealous because if you wanted cute in a relationship, you would've dated Farkle. You don't want cute. I'm not cute."

"I think you're pretty cute." Maya bit her lip and rested back, using her hands to support her. Lucas snaked his arms around her back slowly and pulled her body into an upright sitting position. The blonde's breath hitched in her throat as her body was pulled up and her face was brought closer to Lucas.

Their lips met. Lucas' palms were pressed to Maya's back, and her hands were on his cheeks. The couple's lips moved in sync and Maya's hands ran down the collar of his shirt to his chest.

"Have you no dignity!" Riley shouted from the classroom door. Maya and Lucas jumped, pulling away from eachother and looking wide eyed at Riley.

"This is why I don't have a boyfriend."

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