Chapter Two - My Worst Nightmare

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He was sat at the table next to mine. He had dark, tousled hair and curious, blue eyes. Upon his face was a large, mischievous smirk. Slowly, he got up and started to approach me. That was when I realised that he was dressed in nothing but black. Black leather jacket - Armani, for sure - over a black fitted top with black skinny jeans and black boots. As if he wasn't hot enough.

My heart began to race; it felt like it was trying to beat it's way out of my chest. My palms became sweaty, and I suddenly had the urge to fidget. Just as I was about to jump from my seat, he sat down opposite me.

"H-h-hi," I stuttered.

"Hello," he slurred.

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

"Well, Little Miss Straight-To-The-Point, who are you?" he teased.


"Well, Lizzie, I am Damon. Damon Salvatore. Your worst nightmare." He flashed a smile so bright that it could probably blind someone, then licked his lips hungrily.

"Wait, Salvatore? As in Stefan Salvatore?" Grateful that the stuttering had stopped, I peered over to where Elena and Stefan were sat with Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie Bennett.

"Yeah, that's my little brother," Damon grinned proudly. "Cute, isn't he?"

I couldn't help but nod. "Sure is," I muttered.

"Well, I suppose he's not too bad," Damon decided. "But I'm the hotter, more superior choice."

"You got that right." My eyes widened, and I began hyperventilating. Did I just say that? Out loud?

I allowed my light blond hair to fall around my face in a poor attempt to hide the fact that I was blushing. Risking a glance at Damon, I realised he was perfectly cool.

"Relax," he sighed. "You're only confirming what everyone in here knows as the truth."

Before I got to reply, I was saved by a deep, sensuous voice behind me that made me shiver. "Damon, what are you doing?" Stefan was my saviour. Oh, Hell.

"Nothing much, brother," Damon shrugged. I looked up at Stefan. He was...concerned. "I'm just talking to dear Lizzie."

Stefan turned to me. "Do you mind if I have a word with my brother?"

I shook my head. "Of course not."

Damon got up from his seat and reluctantly followed Stefan. They headed towards the pool table. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to read their lips, but I wasn't very good at it, so it didn't really work. It was only a minute or two later that they returned. Damon resumed his seat and Stefan headed back over to Elena and the gang. 

"Never mind my brother," Damon huffed. "He's jealous. He's still...grieving."

"Grieving?" I asked.

"His ex-girlfriend. She died a while ago, and he hasn't been the same since. I reckon he's on the rebound. Which, of course, is a massive shame, because that Elena girl is quite something." He stopped what he was saying, as if he'd only just realised that he was saying it. "Oops. I've said too much again, haven't I? Just forget I've said anything." Then he smiled again. My head began to throb. I felt like I was going to faint.

Everything around me began spinning. The pain in my head became excruciating. Colour began to fade to black. I was out of it before I could register what was happening.


"Ah, the beautiful Lizzie is starting to come around," a voice murmured from somewhere beside me. I tried to sit up, but a strong hand pressed against my chest, keeping me down. I blinked.

My Love Affair With Damon - A Vampire Diaries Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now