
"Do your job and stick with reports about who's sleeping with whom. If I see you asking about my daughter again, I'll throw you out of town myself."

"You can't do that," Cletus said behind Jenny.

"You wanna try me?" Sheriff Don's chest was puffed out and his hands were resting on his hips.

Zachary chuckled. "These outsiders are going to cause us problems, brother."

"Let's just go Cletus," Jenny whispered. "We're not going to find any answers here."

Twenty minutes later, Jenny and Cletus were in their rental car, trying to decide how to approach their latest story idea.

"Something's fishy around here." Jenny was plugging information into her laptop.

"What do you mean?" Cletus asked, trying to look at what she was reading.

"All I found was an obituary for Don Caldwell's daughter, Crystal Caldwell. The reports on the death of Crystal Caldwell would have been in newspapers somewhere but there's nothing. It's as though it never happened. Why do you think that is?"

"It did happen before the Internet," Cletus reminded her.

"I know that but newspapers are still uploaded in the local library archives."

"Bayless is a small town."

"No, there are other articles from decades ago. There's just nothing about this girl and the circumstances of her death."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Let's put this together, shall we? We know that Crystal Caldwell was killed. We also know that Alex Carter bought the cabin knowing that she was killed there. Then there's the fact that all these articles were somehow blocked from being in newspapers years ago. What does that tell you?"

"That maybe Alex Carter had something to do with Crystal Caldwell's death?" Cletus was grasping at straws with his answer.

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Cletus, follow the timeline. Alex Carter wasn't old enough to hide articles when they would've come out."

"No, but his parents are."


"Well, how are we going to confirm any of this?"

"I have a feeling that Maria woman has more stories to tell but her husband won't let her. How about we ask the skinny tall guy? Did you get his phone number?" Jenny asked.

"The kid named Wally?"

"Right. Wally." Jenny couldn't contain her smile. She may have stumbled on the biggest story of her career. It could very well be life-changing.

"Damn candy," Zachary Caldwell tried moving his wheelchair back without running over the small box of chocolates he had just dropped

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"Damn candy," Zachary Caldwell tried moving his wheelchair back without running over the small box of chocolates he had just dropped.

It was as though he had rubbed his hands in butter. He couldn't seem to stop dropping the boxes of chocolate that had just come in. He knocked down the small display he had started to make.

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