A journey to find the sacred flower!

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Chapter Seven: A journey to find the sacred flower!

The team assembled in the Kage Room where The Hokage sat at his chair.

"W-where's Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi's not here right now, there's an emergency mission he took, but he left a mission for the three of you." Shizune, The Hokage's assistant, explained to them.

"Here. Don't mess this up, Naruto." The Hokage gave them a scroll which has the information on the mission.

The three then read the scroll.

"What?! We're going to babysit a pet?!" Naruto shouted.

"Does Kakashi think we're babies?! We defeated an S-ranked criminal! We should get more credit to that!" Naruto complained.

"This is not an ordinary pet, Naruto. This is Rokurou, he's a baby alligator and he happens to be my pet." The Hokage replied.

"Who makes a baby alligator a pet?! And if is this your pet, why don't you take care of it yourself?!" Naruto rudely exclaimed.

"You will take care of this Alligator, whether you like it or not! I'm working on a very special mission, and it so happens that team seven, your team, is the only available ninjas in Konoha! I tell you, if I had been given a chance to choose other ninjas, I won't be choosing you. Shizune, I'm leaving, you explain to them." He shouted as he walked away.

O.O "Woah, he's so... Scary..." Naruto said.

*giggles* "Don't worry, I'm sure The Lord Hokage didn't meant what he said." Shizune replied.

"Anyway, I'm going to explain all you need to know about Rokurou. He's no ordinary baby alligator, he's got magic. He only eats The rare Chiyo Hanako Flower. Of course it does eat other stuff like leaves, flowers, rocks and stones but it needs to eat the flower three times a day, otherwise it'll be dead." Shizune explained.

"Wait wait wait a minute, what kind of alligator eats flowers and rocks?" Naruto questioned.

"The special ones. And as I have mentioned earlier, Rokurou is no ordinary alligator for when it matures, it will give off a rare treasure." Shizune smirked.

"Treasure?!" Naruto and Ayane shouted. "What treasure?!"

"Hehe. It's a secret, you have to see it with your own eyes."

"In fact, Rokurou is becoming mature tomorrow. And he needs special attention from now on. And most of all, he needs to eat the flower strictly three times a day or he will die. It's nine o'clock right now, I've already fed him for the morning, so you guys will feed him at twelve o'clock. Oh and Rokurou gets pretty, hyper among new caretakers so please don't take your eyes off him. I'm going on a medical mission myself later so I won't be here to help you, guys."

"Will do!"

"Here's the bag of The Chiyo Hanako Flower, please hold on to it very tight, it's the last bag in this village, it only has three flowers in it, perfect until Rokurou gets mature. You'll feed one at twelve o'clock, one at six o'clock in the afternoon and the last one at six o'clock tomorrow."

"Rokurou's in his bed, he's not that heavy to lift. Oh, and one more thing, please don't ever ever lose that bag of flowers, you have to travel to the land of waves before you could find one of those, and those flowers contains a special magic that when you eat it, you'll mature in the right age. That's why it is very essential for Rokurou to eat it, any questions?" Shizune asked.

"No, we'll get going now. Hihi." Naruto grinned.

"Okay, be careful."

Then the three went to Rokurou's room and took him outside.

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