Ayane Tenshimi!

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Chapter One: Ayane Tenshimi!

Full Name: Ayane Korikessho Tenshimi

Ayane (Color, Design, Kimono design, Sound) Korikessho (Ice Crystal) Tenshimi (Beautiful Angel)

Age: 12

Birthday: March 16

Appearance: She has long crimson red wavy hair that reaches her elbows. She has very light complexion that goes well with her hair and with her baby blue eyes. She's a little bit taller than Naruto. At the ninja academy, she wore a simple white hoodie long sleeves with her clan's symbol at the front. She also wore black shorts, just 3 inches above her knee. Her hair would be always tied up leaving her bangs, mostly covering her curse mark and sometimes her eyes. She always has this crystal necklace that her mom gave to her when she was just 3 years old. She has this pouch at the left side, above her knee, to put all her equipments. She wears the common ninja sandals and lastly, she has the Tenshimi symbol at her forehead casted to her as a curse when she was just in her mother's womb.

Personality: She is really really quiet. She has a very very soft voice and is usually selfless. She is very dense, which means she can't tell if you have a crush on her or whatever, she blushes way too often when she feels something "love-ish" is going to happen... She always thinks that everybody hates her and that nobody would want to be friends with her. Like Hinata, she's very shy and lacks confidence to herself... Only she's much worse. Because of that she's really anti-social and is usually by herself. She doesn't talk much except when she's with her Aunt Aki. Despite of her quietness, Ayane is very kind and thoughtful. She's very smart and skillful too, not to mention that she'll always lend a helping hand to someone in need. Earlier, she, Sakura and Ino were best friends, but that gradually ended later on. And since then, the three would always be rivals.

Kekkei Genkai: When her parents got married, her father noticed something different to his power. The fact that Akame, Ayane's mom, is an ice elemental and Ein, Ayane's father is a fire elemental, their power fused together, making both of them activate their very own clan's kekkei genkai. For Ein, he can activate Kasaime. Kasaime, from the word itself: Kasai meaning fire and me meaning eyes, this dojutsu is very powerful because when you master it, it grants you sixty percent more chakra, you can do almost four extra jutsus (only fire release) when you activate it. When a person is using it, his/her eyes turns into a blazing red color with a black compliment following a fuma shuriken-like shaped pupil that's color black with a red iris. While for Akame, she can activate Mizume. Mizume, from the word itself: Mizu meaning water and me meaning eyes, this dojutsu is also very powerful because when the user masters it, it can grant you sixty percent more chakra, like the Kasaime (but only for ice and water releases). When a person is using it, his/her eyes turns into a light blue texture with a white compliment, just like the Kasaime, it follows a fuma shuriken-shaped pattern for the pupils which are colored white and a light blue iris. And because of this dojutsu Ayane's sister was stolen for her kekkei genkai because it was discovered, that with a young age, her sister can activate both Kasaime and Mizume. The elders, including the hokage, believe that Ayane, like her sister, Akane, can also activate both of the dojutsus. Another of their clan's kekkei genkai runs through her father's blood. The Tenshimi Clan, from the word itself: Tenshi meaning Angel and mi meaning beautiful. Once every five generations of their clans offspring is likely to be born as an Angel. Yes, an angel, coincidentally, Ayane is the fifth generation born of the Tenshimi clan, believe it or not. Angels are most likely to have poor health, they're usually shy and fragile. Their personality are very similar to the Angels, people believe. They're very sensitive and can cry very often. Though angels are soft, their powers are very legendary. An angel, at maturity, can easily influence even the darkest person to have a change of heart. Angels by nature have their charms that can easily attract a person to be friends with it. But beware, not all angels are good, when an angel is born, it doesn't have wings, though he/she is considered as an angel. An angel can have wings when they mature, and that tends to happen in the most unlikely times. Their wings at first are color white as a pearl, but when they become dark, their wings turn into dark black with a reddish outline and their eyes become darker. By that, the angel can now influence even the most pure person into darkness. Another power of an angel is it can easily share its chakra to anyone, that's why most angels are likely to be a medical ninja. But on Ayane's story, her parents doesn't want anyone except for her, and her sister to know that she's an angel. Evil persons like Orochimaru, hunt down angels and use not only their powers but also their blood. A pure angel's blood can cure any disease that exists and it can cure any severe injury. Being an angel is very dangerous, that's why her parents did everything to protect her, and by the time their parents got murdered Akihina took care of Ayane only because Akihina was Akame's most trusted friend and neighbor and by chance, she told Akihina about the kekkei genkai and was told to protect Ayane till her last breath. So, Akihina promised and from that day on, she lived her promise and loved Ayane like a daughter.

History: As mentioned earlier, Ayane's parents died because of an unknown murderer and her big sister's corpse was taken, leaving only her left in their clan. She was only 6 by then. But luckily, her generous neighbor, Aunt Akihina, took her as her own child and raised her in her home. Ayane now considers Aunt Aki her foster mother. Her late mother, Akame Korikessho was a former princess at a huge area located at the hidden valley of mist which was called The Ice Kingdom. Akame's father, the king of ice, already decided that he would make Akame his heir to the kingdom, because of the law: the youngest child must be the heir. Unfortunately, Akame's big sister, Ayame Korikessho, the king's eldest daughter, doesn't approve of the legal law, she suggested to have a duel between her and her younger sister instead. Though she was the eldest, Akame became more powerful compared to her, and led to victory. Since Akame won, and is now announced that she's the legal heir to the throne, Ayame still doesn't think that she deserves it. She became dark and cruel and promise to never let her be queen. Until she ran away from the kingdom, and never returned. Unexpectedly, she came back the day Akame was crowned as the Queen of Ice. She came back more powerful. She slaughtered the entire kingdom with the help of Orochimaru and Madara, killing her father and burnt every building. And somehow she managed to keep her promise that she won't let her sister be queen. Luckily, Akame managed to escape with her partner (which she met before she was queen) and went to the hidden leaf village. And yes, her partner was Ein Azayakana aka Tenshimi, Ayane's father, they made a family there, hoping they would hide from Ayame, Madara and Orochimaru. There, they lived peaceful lives and bared their first daughter which they named: Akane (from her mom), several years later, they had their second child, which was Ayane (from her aunt). The couples though that the many years had passed, her sister wasn't mad at her anymore, and they were wrong, one evening came and Ayame visited her pregnant sister, she made her believe that she wasn't angry anymore, and that she love idea that they named the child after her. But unfortunately, she caught Akame unguarded and casted a spell on the unborn child. Which was really a curse of hatred. She casted Kindan no Daten-shi curse (which means: Forbidden Fallen Angel Curse) on the unborn child and immediately disappeared. By the time her husband came back, Ayame was already gone, and left his pregnant wife and his daughter unconscious. Luckily, the time came and Ayane was born, she was healthy and there seems to be no side effects to the child, except of the curse mark on her forehead. And from that day on, Ayame never came back. Because of that, she was given extra attention from her parents.


This isn't her full history though, as the story progresses I'm gonna continue to talk about her life and past. Thank you for reading so far, give a comment on any suggestions you would like to happen :)

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