Finally, a real mission!

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Chapter Five: Finally, a real mission!

As Sasuke heard Kakashi, he immediately turned back to face him.

"I'm different from those two." Sasuke said.

"Oh really? Before you say that, why don't you prove it first?" Kakashi threatened.

Sasuke threw kunais at him, but he dodged.

"Normal attacks won't work, Sasuke."

Sasuke then threw shurikens that activated a trap. And the fight continued, until somehow, Kakashi buried Sasuke into the ground leaving his head.

"It's true, you're... A bit different from the others... But still different isn't always good. They say, the nail that sticks out, gets hammered down." He smirked. As he was about to go...

"Oh, and someone might be in danger over there *points at the right* you might wanna check it out, maybe wolves ate her already..." Kakashi threatened as he left. While Sasuke's eyes widened.

Sasuke immediately got out of Kakashi's trap and went to Ayane's area. There he saw Ayane laying on the ground unconscious.

"Oh, she's so beat up..." Sasuke whispered.

"Hmmm. I didn't realize that she's so... Ugh, what am I thinking!" He shouted in his mind.

"She looks so peaceful though, maybe it's better if I'd leave her there... *then he left, acted like nothing happened* On second though, maybe..." He walked back to Ayane again.

"Ayane?" Sasuke said while waking her up.


"Ayane? Are you okay?"

"Huh?! Sasuke?! Is this some kind of Genjutsu again?!" She again made the tiger sign... But before she could do something that could embarrass herself again...

"No, come on. It's almost lunch."

Then he took Ayane's hand and pulled her up so she can stand.

"We gotta be quick. There's not much time left."

And like on cue, the timer rang informing the two that it's already twelve o'clock.

"Ugh, I wasted so much time." Sasuke said.

Ayane looked worried, then they went back and saw Naruto tied up to a big log. Then they saw Kakashi.

"Oh hey. As all of you may notice..." He said.

The two sat down beside Naruto.

"You all failed." He remarked.

"What?!" The three said as their eyes widened.

"Not only that, you three don't get lunch." He said.

"But... You two didn't try to steal lunch like Naruto here, guess I'll give you all a second chance." He added while rubbing his chin.

"R-really? I'm so happy!" Ayane thought with a cheerful smile.

"Yes. But, because Naruto did steal a lunch box, he won't get any lunch for now." He said.

"After eating we'll start again and this time, I'm not gonna go easy on you guys again. Don't feed Naruto, it's his punishment. Whoever feeds him will fail forever." He explained. Then he gave Sasuke and Ayane lunch and disappeared. While the two were eating...

*stomach growls* "It's okay." Naruto said with a crooked smile.

"Here you go." Sasuke said while he reaches his lunch to Naruto.

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