A very grey day.

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Chapter Six: A very grey day.

It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when the team arrived home in the village.

"Uh, it's been a great mission! Hey, Ayane. Wanna... Go for Ramen now? My treat." Naruto asked.

"Huh? Uh..." Ayane answered with a blush.

"Fool." Sasuke thought. Rolling his eyes.

"Well, I guess I'll drop you guys here. It's been a week since I read Make-out paradise! Heuheuheuh!" Kakashi excitedly said as he flashed a pervy grin. Then he went off.

"So? What do you say?" Naruto asked again with a cheeky smile.

Sasuke immediately left.

"Come on, Ayane!" Then Naruto grabbed Ayane's wrist and started to pull her to the Ramen shop. As Naruto was pulling.

"Um, Naruto. W-where's S-Sasuke? W-where are we..."

"Shhh, don't worry about that jerk!" Naruto irritatedly said.

"Um..." Ayane mumbled. She started to blush.

"M-my wrist hurts... Naruto..." Ayane thought.

"Here we are! Ichiraku Ramen! Come on, this is gonna be fun. Um, two Ramens please!" Naruto ordered. He then pulled out his froggy wallet.

"Huh? Why are you quiet? Don't you like Ramen?"

"No, it's just that..." Ayane replied with a worried face as she looked down. (She's still blushing, though. Hihihi.)


"Um, nothing." She answered as the Ramens were served. As they eat, Naruto noticed Ayane's hands were shaking.

"Ayane? What's wrong? Why are you shaking?"

"Oh! Um, it's nothing!" Ayane quickly covered her hands.

"Um, you can leave, Ayane. I-if you don't want to be here anymore. I won't force you." Naruto said.

"Huh? Naruto... It's just that... I'm... I mean,... I... I can't handle this..." Ayane confessed as she closed her eyes. (She's still shaking and blushing. Hihihi)

"C-can't handle w-what?" Naruto stopped eating and looked at her.

"Sh-should I... Tell Naruto?" She thought.

"I-I *gulp* can't handle... *gulp* ... It's just that... *shaking* I... Need... To pee, Naruto." She barely said. As she tightly hold her collar, her eyes was still closed.

*Akward silence* Naruto's eyes widened. "Oh, um... Yeah, um... You... Go then... Hehe. We'll just finish this next time. Heheh." Naruto said as he rubbed his head.

"R-really? You're... Not mad?"

"Uh-huh. *cheeky laugh*"

"Th-thank you... I'll be going now." She said then left... As she walked on the way to her house...

"Shoot, w-why did I said that to Naruto? I'm so stupid! For all things..." She thought.

"Oh, how I miss aunt Aki!" She said to herself as she ran reaching the doorknob. It was about six o'clock. As she entered, as usual, Aki was there sitting by her chair...

"Aunt Aki! I miss you so much! She shouted as she ran to her.

"No dear, stay back!" She replied with a shout.

"Huh? Um, w-why?" She answered as she immediately stopped.

"W-why is the kitchen so messy aunt Aki? Everything okay?" She doubted.

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