Chapter one

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Hiding in the archways in the majestic citadel a pair of eyes, golden in the moonshine peering down the long dark corridor disappearing into the distance. Moving slowly, close to the wall staying out of view, the blacked out figure edged closer to the tall, thin, medieval window. Her long, blonde curls fell from the hood of her cloak, resting on her shoulders, with the rest falling down the front of her body. In silence, she reached the window.

She looked out of the tall window, down at the cobblestone courtyard, she watched as it filled with red and silver shining in the fire light coming from the torches hanging on every wall surrounding the shapes. Then looking closer she began to see faces coming from under the red and recognised a couple of them. One caught her attention, his voice echoing between the high, white stone walls of the square as he turned to face the men around him.

"We must find her," He was most likely the leader. A powerful and strong leader. "Split up and take some men," He ordered directly at six men standing in front of him.

"Arthur, What did she do wrong?" One with long brown hair spoke out.

"She is a druid," The one apparently called Arthur replied,, answering his question. They all ran in different directions, after receiving all orders.

Still standing at the window the blacked out figure of the girl thought best that she goes and finds a place to hide, some where not so obvious in the castle. Running down a countless number of corridors she ran through the darkness. She stopped dead still, and listened. She heard footsteps coming towards her. Turning to run away she was spotted by one of the men, he looked at her with saddness in his eyes. One that she recognised. He made a run for her and reached out grabbing her hood of her long cloak. Pulling away from his grasp, she broke free of the force, and not caring to much about her cloak, leaving her in her long blue dress that covered her boots. She turning slightly as she began to run away, to see her cloak on the floor, Caring more about her life she attempted to get away from the men that wear also no beginning to run after her.

"Elizabeth, STOP!" He called out as he took more and more steps faster and faster after her.

Running as fast as possible she ran down more and more corridors, until she came to a locked door, and no new corridor to run down. Trapped. Turning to go back she was stopped by the men now holding swords up, and pointed at her. Wide-eyed she backed up a bit.

"Now just stop," He said with what little breath he had left. Elizabeth took a step back once more and the men took one forward and another, slowly getting closer to her closing her into what little space was left. Elizabeth concentrated all her energy on the men standing in front of her and as a familiar heat rose through her body, suddenly Elizabeth's eyes glowed with a golden light.

The men shot backwards landing on the hard stone floor of the castle hard, the metal armour making a loud clatter. All the men knocked out. Satisfied she turned to use the same energy once again to open up the door but was stopped by a large body. Knowing who it was she looked up at his face and just rose and eyebrow. He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him as fast as possible.

Elizabeth ran down more and more corridors with the man following her close behind, with his hand on her shoulder. The halls were full of blackness. The sound of men echoed in the long deep hallways.
"Elizabeth, quick down here," the man said and ran down a stone staircase grasping her hand.
The light of the fire grew brighter at the top of the stairs as the King ran passed. Elizabeth watched him go passed with the string of men that followed, from around the corner of the bottom of the steps.
"Elizabeth, we have to go. They will kill you if you don't."
"I can't leave you behind"
"You will die, come on,"

She followed the man down the long hall leading to the cells leading on further to the tomb of the Kings and lady's of Camelot. She held the hand of the man, as her dress flowed behind her. The blue dress dragged along the dusty floor picking up to dirt and her clock flying through the air.

"Here now go," he said holding both Elizabeth's hands, looking at the small metal gate going out to the woods.
"But..." Elizabeth replied.
"No Elizabeth, you have to" he replied, "I love you."  Kissing her lips, he held her close to his body.
"Now go," letting her go, he watched as Elizabeth ran out the gate and deep into the woods, before running back to the Knights searching for the Druid girl.

The darkness began to turn to light and the cold air turned to warmth. She turned her head and realised that the tall large body was still next to her with his arms wrapped around her body as he slept. She traced edge of his face the her cold fingers. He slowly began to open his eyes looking down to her, "Are you alright?" Then slowly leaning in he passionately kissed her warm, soft lips. "Yeah I'm alright, just a dream," she replied and smiled. A muscular hand crest Elizabeth's cheek as she slowly began to close her eyes once again, "I won't let anything happen to you, you are my everything." Then he kissed her forehead and layback and too went to sleep.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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