Keep Calm and......

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I've seen a lot of these on people's display pictures and I've compiled some that I think are cool, so go and ceate some Keep Calm Posters, it's fun. These are some that I think are cool

This one is true:

*Keep Calm And Let Karma Finish It

I laughed so hard when I saw this 'cause I'm a Lonely Island fan:

*Get Angry And Throw It To The Ground!

This one is just epic:

*Keep Calm And Fake A British Accent.

Lion King baby!

*Keep Calm And HAKUNA MATATA!!

*Don't Keep Calm, Slap That B*tch Hard!

*Keep Calm And Hate Everyone

*Keep Calm And Do The Harlem Shake

*Keep Calm And... IDK just keep calm

*Keep Calm And Make Today Your B*tch


*Keep Calm And Let's Go Kill Voldemort

*Keep Calm And Troll

*Keep Calm And Get Laid... (My gosh)

*Keep Calm And...Sh!t Nevermind

*Keep Calm And Blame It On PMS

*Keep Calm And Google It

*Keep Calm And Harry On

Hahah that is it people! If you have any more then comment them down there....

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