I fetched my phone out and stood. "Gonna go make a quick call."

I looked over at the other VIP seconds and there was one in particular my eye fell on, sitting with two women besides him dressed in a fitted suit was Alex, the sight of him made a heat build between my legs but that instantly vanished when he locked eyes with me and pulled one of the girls onto his lap to straddle him, they started making out hot and heavy his hands going all the way under her dress.

That brought back a very hurtful memory to me, reminding me why I never do the relationship thing anymore and this asshole just proved my point.

I went back over to Suzy. "We're leaving, now."

" What, why, you just said you loved it here."

"Think I found out the reason for those free tickets and it's sitting right over there with a girl's tongue in his throat." My voice broke a little, I would have gone over there but that would just cause a scene and like hell of I'm gonna grovel for him.

" Shit, I didn't know I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I deserved it right?." Voice breaking even more. "Get me out of here before I embarrass myself even more by crying."

When we get to the door a hand grabs me by the elbow and I turn quickly to see Alex on the other end of it.

"Leaving so soon?." The cocky arrogant asshole asked.

" Why is that any of your business?."

"It's not, you pick up any new friends tonight."

"Go screw yourself".

" Would rather do it to you or is your schedule full?."

"I'm not a slut." I closed my eyes as tears. "And fuck you if your gonna stand there and try to belittle me for not wanting to get into a relationship with assholes just like you-". I turned to leave but I had to get something out. "I had a boyfriend once he did everything guys did in that type of situation but then one day I run into the asshole having a make out session with another girl and he goes 'Oh hey this is my friend Annaliese' I know the fucking feeling Alex but this-". I said gesturing to the club. "I would never do something like this to you your so freaking childish."

It was the first I ever seen his expression falter. He didn't say anything and I took that as my cue to leave.

"Anna I'm sorry". Suzy said from next to me.

"You got those tickets to bring me here, it was his plan all along, screw him I don't need him."

When I got home Miguel was still here?. Why was he still here?. Is my apartment some new man cave?. He fell asleep on the couch and I contemplated waking him but thought against it. Something was knocking in my head..wait no, someone was knocking on my door. I peaked through the hole and anger and fury built up in me quickly.

"Go fuck yourself Alex."

"Just open the damn door."

Oh so no more breaking in?.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to see you, in fact if you go wait out in the car park i'll throw your stuff down to you it'll look like confetti like your little own parade."

"If you do that....." I heard him sigh. "I'm not asking again-

"What's with all the shouting?." Miguel appears beside me. He opens the door and blinks twice looking at Alex from head to toe. "Man she doesn't want to see you can't you fucking hear."

Alex takes a deep breath, he was way to calm. I could see this was going to escalate quickly. When i think he's going to act out like throw a punch or something he pushes past us and stalks into the guest room, when he comes back out he's holding a gun and I contemplate on running. Damn it!, I forgot about Miguel.

The Gravano'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora