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oh boy.

long long ago, back in the day when i was a silly ol youngin and read straight fanfiction instead of gay fics, i distinctly remember reading some very very fucked up shit in the straight fic days.

for some odd reason, the protagonist is always some invincible force of nature who almost dies twelve times within a week, and for some reason gets over any and all traumatic experiences within two days of knowing their lover.

i remember reading a fic where this girl is just chillin, driving her car and the car flips TWENTY TIMES IN A ROW. im not even exaggerating, the author actually wrote that her car flipped twenty times. god damn.

despite this, she walks out of her car like it's no problem even tho all of the bones in her body are broken, and she probably has glass shoved in her poor face, and strolls right on up to the nearest house and asks to stay with the guy who lives there.

and the guy gives no fucks, he's not like "oshit you're literally dying we should call an ambulance" he just says "ight come on in."

i truly do hope that there are people out there who read that fic and thought it was perfectly normal for a car to flip twenty times and barely damage the driver.

stay safe y'all

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