"Not like the Other Girls"

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have i done a chapter on this? i don't know. and if i have: oops too bad.

wanna know my absolute deal breaker in books? those #relatable "not like the other girls" tomboys who everyone loves to write about.

guess what? nobody gives a shit if you are or are not "like the other girls".

stop striving to be different, and start striving to be YOUR FUCKING SELF.

if you like dresses and crop tops and starbucks and uggs, WORK IT.

if you like video games and tv and being punk rock, do your thing.

but stop acting like you're better than another girl because you're different than them.

it pisses me off when people act like there's something wrong with you if you like "girly" things. you're no better than anyone else.

it's not WRONG to like something that's popular, and a lot of you need to stop acting like it is. it's popular for a fucking reason.

if you like starbucks? drink starbucks.

you like uggs? wear uggs.

you love crop tops and dresses and floral clothing? do what makes YOU happy, not what makes others happy.

stop acting like you're cool because you don't like the latest radio song. stop pretending to be so much better than others. you're not.

i find the words "tomboy" and "girly-girl" fucked up and sexist to begin with.

why? because if girls feel the need to cut themselves into a sub division to separate themselves from "the other girls" to be accepted. we have a problem.

teaching girls that liking anything labeled feminine makes them less of a respected human being is horrible and misogynistic.

wanna know what i did when i was little? faked not liking the songs on the radio and dresses and skirts just because i didn't want to be "girly".

wanna know what i do now? what i fuckin want. whether that's flower crowns or band shirts or chokers. i don't give a fuck if what i wear is stereotypical or not. all that matters to me is that i like it. if others don't, that's their problem. i can still kick your ass wearing combat boots, a dress and a flower crown.

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