Chapter 11

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Another week at school has passed and I definitely think that our plan to get Ms. Semler and Coach Eric together worked. They are both happier and I always see them sitting outside on a bench eating lunch together. It's quite cute really. Tobias and I have almost finished our biology project. It's due next week so we are just putting some final adjustments on it.

The other day, Tobias and I were swimming when we found a really pretty private rock area. It has a waterfall and a nice pool below it with some rock sculptures. I'm amazed that no one has found this place yet. Today we are going there again to just relax as enjoy each others company when I notice 2 little girls walking along the rocks.

"Tobias look." I point out the girls to him and he grabs my arm so I stop swimming.

"We have to stay hidden here. We can just wait, they will probably leave soon anyways."

"I guess your right." One of the little girls run over to the edge and bend down to pick up what looks like a shell when a wave crashes down on the rocks and sends the little girl flying into the ocean. I gasp and start to swim towards her but Tobias grabs my waist and pulls me back.

"Tobias we have to help her. She is going to drown!" I whisper yell at him with concern written all over my face. The little girl is gasping for air and her friend on the rocks is crying. Tears start to pool in my eyes and a couple spill over. Tobias then sighs and swims towards the girl. A small smile creeps onto my face as I follow him.

As we approach the girl I can see the shock written on her face. I can hear the other little girl squealing "mermaid mermaid!" over and over. I let Tobias grab the drowning girl whilst I go over to the other one to calm her down. We don't want anyone hearing her. I swim up to her and rest my arms on the rocks.

"Hi there! What's your name?" I can see she is a bit worried and scared by me but she answers anyways.

"My name is Xanthia but everyone calls me Xanthy! My friend in the waters name is Jasmine but everyone calls her Jaz. What's your name?" I chuckle a bit because she reminds me of Christina.

"My name is Beatrice but everyone calls me Tris. I think Jaz is over in the rock pool. Let's go over there so we can talk." I tell her.

"Okay!" She smiles back and starts to run over to Jaz and Tobias. Jaz and Xanthy hug and Tobias kisses me on the forehead.

"Okay so I know your name is Tris but what is your name sir?" Xanthy asks Tobias. I am surprised when he replies with,

"Tobias, it's nice to meet you." I give him a quick peck on the lips and smile at him telling him I'm proud that he used his name with my actions.

"So you guys are actually MERMAIDS?" Xanthy squeals. I can tell Jaz is the quieter one out of the two.

"Yes sweetie. But you have to keep it a secret okay?" Tobias says. Aw he is so cute with kids.

"Why?" Jaz asks.

"Well because if humans were to find us then they would take us away from our homes and we wouldn't like that very much." Tobias explains to the little girls.

"How old are you two?" I ask them.

"Well we are both 6!" Jaz says.

"Well I'm 6 and three quarters!" Xanthy exclaims and Tobias chuckles. It was really sexy... OMG not the time Tris.

"What were you two doing out here by yourselves?" I ask them.

"Well we come down to the beach every week and I asked my mum if we could go exploring on the rocks and she said yes so we did." Xanthy explains.

"Are you two together, like my mommy and daddy?" Jasmine asks us.

"Yeah I guess so." Tobias says as his arm snakes around my waist and he kisses my cheek.

"Ewww she's got cooties!" Xanthy exclaims. Once again Tobias chuckles and this time I join in.

"Oh I have another question for you!" Xanthy says sporting a really curious look on her face.

"If you guys have tails, how do you go potty?" Woah wasn't expecting that! I blush a deep crimson colour.

"Well I guess we don't go potty." Tobias says. I never really thought about that actually.

"Xanthia, Jasmine are you two over there?" Oh shit!

"OMG that's my mummy we better go! It was nice meeting you!" Xanthy says.

"We promise to keep your secret safe. Can we see you guys again?" Jasmine asks.

"Okay, Tobias and I will meet you two here every week! How does that sound?" They both nod their heads excitedly then wave us goodbye. I take Tobias's hand as we dive back into the ocean.


We swim back to my home and stay in the warm water so we can chat for a bit more. I start to play with her long hair as she nuzzles her face into my bare chest.

"So do you think they will keep our secret?" She ask me.

"I'm not to sure but even if they tell their friends it's not going to matter because no adult is going to believe them. And plus they did seem pretty genuine and smart so hopefully they will keep their word." I tell her honestly.

"Yeah I hope so." She sighs and looks up into my deep blue orbs.

"Don't worry we will be fine." I say after pecking her lips. We sit there in a comfortable silence which got me thinking. How was I so lucky to get her? And to make it even better she is a mermaid so we can get through this together. I just can't get enough of her.

"I think I'm in love with you." I blurt out of nowhere. Damn it! Idiot Tobias, *mental face palm* I hope that doesn't scare her away. She giggles and replies.

"Do you need a pen and paper to make a chart or...?" I cut her off.

"Maybe I am sure I just don't want to scare you away."

"Then you should know me better." She says with a smile glued to her face.

"Okay fine, I love you."

"I love you too." That was all the reassurance I needed. I leant in to kiss her. It started off soft and loving but grew passionate and hungry. I bit her bottom lip to ask for entrance and she obliged letting my tongue explore her mouth. We move in perfect sync as she tugs lightly on my hair and I pull her waist closer to me. Once I'm out of breath I pull away but let our foreheads stay connected. She is as breathless as I am.

"Tris that was amazing."

"Well you are but I'm not a very good kisser." She says shying away a bit.

"Yes you are you don't know how perfect you are to me."

"I'm not perfect." She says.

"Yes you are." I reply.

"No I'm not don't say that." I start to tickle her and she starts to giggle.

"Tobias stop please I need to breathe!" She squeals.

"I'm not gonna stop until you agree that your perfect in my eyes." I keep tickling her and she starts to get breathless.

"Fine! I'm perfect to you, but ONLY you." She says out of breathe.

"Thankyou." I stop tickling her and give her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Alright it's probably time for you to get home. I'll swim you home." I tell her. We interlock our hands and swim back out of the cave and towards the shore.

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