Chapter 1

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Saying goodbye was hard but now that I'm in California it isn't all that bad. Our house is right on the beach because my parents felt bad about leaving the place where we grew up our whole lives. My room has the perfect view of the water as well. Caleb and I decided to go for a walk along the beach. I take in my surroundings and just stand still and listen to the waves crash onto the shore. "Caleb do you think it would be okay for me to jump into the water and check it out?" I ask him.

"Well considering no one else is in site I guess it would be alright."

I do one last check over my shoulder for other people and as I'm about to dive I hear laughter and chatter coming from behind me. I suddenly jump back from the water just in case I get splashed and start to flop around like a fish.

"Hi! I haven't seen you before have I? Are you new? OMG where are you from? Are you two dating?" A girl with mocha skin asks. God she's like a motorboat; just keeps talking.

"Yeah we're new. We moved here from Australia and EW he's my brother!" I say, answering the girl's many questions.

"Oh that's so cool! Australia, wow I'm in LOVE with your accent!" A tall boy with dark skin exclaims.

"Sorry about my brother Uriah he can get over excited." A boy who looks just like Uriah but a couple years older rolls his eyes.

"Well thanks you know you guys have accents too right?" I ask them. I see Uriah pretend to be shocked and we all just laugh.

"Well my name is Caleb and this is Tris. Nice to meet ya!" Caleb then finally introduces us properly.

"Well I'm Zeke that's Uriah, Christina (the talkative one), my girlfriend Shauna, Uri's girlfriend Marlene, Christina's boyfriend Will, Shauna's little sis Lynn and that's Four he is lonely and emotionless." Zeke points to everyone and I couldn't help but laugh at the comment he made about Four. I notice he is staring right at me with his deep blue eyes. What is his problem?

"Cool nice to meet you all! What are you guys doing?" I ask them.

"Well we are going for a swim but Four doesn't like to swim because he had some accident when he was little and now is terrified of it! Weird right? Anyway would you like to join?" Christina asks.

"I would but I think I'll just stay on the beach with Four but Caleb can join you." They all give me weird looks but eventually shrug it off and jump in the water. I sigh thinking about how much I would love to join them but I just can't. I go and sit next to Four on the beach.

"Can I ask why you were staring at me before?" I ask four. He is a bit intimidating but I guess that's just his personality. He doesn't answer. Oh well, I just keep watching my newly found friends until I suddenly hear a deep voice next to me say,

"Where did you find that ring?" What? Why would he want to know that?

"Is that why you were staring at me earlier?" Good strategy Tris. Answer a question with a question.

"Just answer the question." He snaps at me. Slightly scared I answer his original question with a shaky voice.

"Agh well um I found it on the beach that was outside my house in Australia, why?" I'm starting to get nervous. Why am I nervous around him? Like I get asked this question all the time. What makes this different? His deep blue eyes have some sort on mystery to them. I get lost in them for a while until I'm brought back to reality by Four's low but soothing voice. "Well I just think it's quite pretty and very unique." I see the corner of fours lip move upwards indicating a half smile. I turn back to the water and see that the gang as I will now call them are getting out of the water and they run over to us dripping wet and I notice my heart rate speed up. Four suddenly gets up and walks back a bit so I decide to follow him so I can back away from the water.

"Guys you really should come in the water's amazing!" Marlene exclaims.

"Well um right now Caleb and I need to get back to our parents we kind of ran off while they were unpacking!" Everyone laughs. We end up exchanging numbers before I drag Caleb back to the house. When we're out of hearing distance from the group I start to talk to Caleb.

"Um Caleb there is something about Four that's different. I can see it in his eyes. He also was very interested I'm my ring which was strange and did you see the way he backed away when you guys came out of the water?"

"Really? Huh do think he's like you? Like a merman or something?" Caleb asks back with a slight smirk on his face. Obviously amused by the conversation.

"Stop smiling, this is serious!" I say and jokingly punch him in the arm.

"They did say that he doesn't go in the water right?"

"Yeah I guess, but maybe we're just thinking about it too much, he is probably just a normal guy."

"Hmmm I guess your right Caleb I could be reading this all wrong. I guess I just hoped that I could have someone to talk to you know?"

"You can talk to me." He said.

"Yeah but its not the same. You don't know what it feels like. Its fine, don't worry about it." We reach the house and help our parents with the rest of the unpacking.

School starts in a week so I decided to go for a swim and check out my new home in the water. I got up as the sun was rising so I could sneak out. Once I hit the water I feel so free. I glide through the crystal clear water getting deeper and further away from the beach with the help of my beautiful long purple tail. I reach the coral reef and start to look around; it's amazing. The vibrant colours and fish that I haven't seen before are incredible! I spot a dolphin and decide to swim along side it for a while, making a new friend.

A while past so I thought that I should head back considering no one knows I'm out here. I wash up onto shore behind a rock so no one sees me and then evaporate all of the water on my body using the power in my hands. I am then dried and returned to my human form.

I walk through the door to my house only to be met with the worried look on my brother's face.

"Caleb chill I went for a swim to check out the area!" I whispered just in case my parents were around.

"Well you could of at least told me! I was worried sick!" I try not to laugh at my brother because I know he is just really over protective. I head back up to my room to prepare myself for my new life here In California.

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