Chapter 9

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The weekend past all too quickly and sadly it is now Monday morning. Ugh I hate waking up early.

Caleb, Tobias and I arrive at school and greet the gang at the front gates.

"Heyyyyyyy!" Christina squeals.

"Hi?" She seems really chirpy, like more than usual.

"What's up with Christina?" Tobias asks Zeke.

"She had some brilliant idea appare-" he was cut off by none other than Christina herself.

"Tris do you notice how our maths teacher Ms. Semler is always so grumpy?"

"Yes how can you not? She is the WORST teacher!" I reply.

"Well I thought we could set her up with our PE teacher coach Eric! EEEEEP this will be so cute!" She squeals. OMG trust Christina to mess with the teachers' love lives. Although it isn't a bad idea because they are both so annoying and mean and nasty so they are prefect for eachother and they even might soften up to us a little. Sometimes I think Christina belongs in the movie Clueless.

It's now second period and Christina and I have maths. I enter the room to find her sitting in our normal spot.

"Okay I have a plan." She says.

"Okay, shoot!" I say.

"Well first we need to write a letter to Ms. Semler from Eric and then they can get together and-"

"So basically like in the movie Clueless?" I ask her.

"Yep" Christina says popping the p. See what did I tell you! Ms. Semler then stomps into the room and begins the class.

That was the longest hour of my life! She was angry and rude and always picks on me! Like why me? Ugh!

At lunch Christina and I sneak into the staff room to put the letter we wrote from Eric into Ms. Semler's pigeon hole. I snicker as we sneak back out of the staff room.

We run to the cafeteria and burst out laughing when we reach our friends.

"OMG - guys you will - never - guess what we - just did!" Christina tries to say through her hysterical laughing.

"Oh oh ummm..." Uriah starts to think but I cut him off.

"We just put a love letter from coach Eric into Ms. Semler's pigeon hole." Everyone at the table starts to laugh, even Tobias and I smile at him. Our eyes lock and we stay like that for a while. Uriah then clicks in front of my face to bring me out of my trance.

"So guys I was thinking, do you wanna go out somewhere since we didn't end up seeing each other on the weekend?" Marlene starts.

"Yeah! We can go to that new park just a few blocks away after school." Zeke suggests. Everyone agrees in someway so I guess we're going to the park.

School I finally finishes and I meet the gang outside the front gates.

"Alright LETS GO!" Uriah shouts. We all walk to the park and find a nice place to sit.

"Okay so today in history I was sitting behind Peter and Drew and all they were talking about was mermaids." I freeze and my head jolts toward Tobias who is sitting next to me. He looks at me then pulls me into his lap for comfort.

"Ha! I never thought that they would be such losers, interested in all that stuff. He kept saying that he was gonna find them and catch them." Uriah continues.

"There is definitely something wrong with those two like you don't think mermaids could possibly exist right?" Lynn questions.

"Well if you think about it, they could be real I mean the ocean is HUGE so they could be anywhere and we just haven't found them yet." Shauna adds.

"What no way Shauna!" Marlene exclaims.

"I think she is right! Maybe they are just really good at hiding." Christina then says. They all start to argue and Tobias and I just sit still. I can feel his heart rate pickup along with mine. I think he notices because he wraps his arms around my waist, grabs my left hand and draws slow, soothing circles on it with his fingertips; trying to calm me.

" Oi Four, Tris what do you think?" Will asks and the whole gang turn their gaze towards us.

"Um..I - agh... Well I-" I start but Tobias cuts me off.

"I think that if we haven't found them yet and they exist they obviously don't want to be found so I think we should just let them be." I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah I guess your righ-" Shauna says but is cut off by Uri screaming,

"ICECREAM!" He runs towards the truck like a little boy and Zeke follows soon after.

"I don't understand why you two date them." I say glaring at Marlene and Shauna. They both just shrug.

"Well I don't want any because it's kinda getting cold and clouding over; I think it's gonna rain soon." Lynn says observing the sky.

"Shit!" I mumble to myself so only Tobias can hear. He kisses my cheek and whispers on my ear,

"I'll get us out of here okay?" I nod and get up off his lap so he can stand up. He takes my small hand and fits it into his large one as we walk towards the truck where everyone now is.

"Um guys... Agh Tris isn't feeling too good so I'm gonna walk her home okay?" Tobias tells the gang. Uriah groans and rolls his eyes.

"You guys always leave early and ruin the fun!" He pouts like a five year old with his arms crossed.

"Oh! Tris I'm gonna come with because I left my jumper at your house like last week or something!" Christina says.

'Alright, but it better not rain' i think to myself but gets really weird looks from everyone.

"You said that out loud." Tobias whispers in my ear. I blush and start to walk away saying,

"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"So do you really think there could be mermaids out there?" Christina asks looking at the ocean in the distance.

"Um well I'm not gonna say no just because no one has spotted one before but like what Four said earlier- I think that if they did exist they probably don't want us to know about them." I say back trying not to stumble over my words.

That's when I feel it...

A cold drop landing right in the centre of my head. SHIT! Tobias notices too because he looks at me then starts to run, whilst holding my hand. I look back and see Christina standing there with a confused look on her face.

"Sorry Christina but Four just realised- agh- he left the oven on at his house this morning- yeah- so I'll see you tomorrow!" I really need to work on my excuses! Jeez... The oven? What was I thinking. I see Christina turn around so we run to the nearest garage and fall on to the floor, turning into mermaids next to a random person's car. We dry ourselves using our hands.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asks with concern in his voice.

"Yeah I guess, you?" I ask back.

"I'm fine knowing your fine." He says. I hug him taking in his scent.

"I could call Caleb and ask him to pick us up?" I ask Tobias.

"Sounds great." He replies, so I call Caleb and ask him to come and pick us up. I tell him what happened and that you'll see us in an open garage a couple of blocks away from home.

Caleb then arrives 10 minutes later. Tobias and I grab an umbrella each from the garage we are in and run to the car, trying not to get wet.

"You owe me one sis." Caleb says once we get in the car. I sigh and think about how close that was.


I've kept this secret for a long time, but that was by shutting people out and I'm sick and tired of it. I want to find someone who I can trust so I can talk to them about this. I don't know anyone else with this secret and it would be nice to share with someone. Oh! I know just the person...

By the way my secret is a bit complicated...

I'm a mermaid.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed it so far. See you later pansycakes.

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