Chapter 8

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I wake up thanking God it's Friday! The first week of school has been so crazy. The fear that Peter saw us yesterday is clearly instilled in my mind. If he finds out about us that will ruin our lives forever.

I get ready and meet Tobias and Caleb outside ready to walk to school.


I arrive in class and see Tobias already in his seat waiting for me. I sit next to him and gives a a quick peck on the cheek before Ms. Mathews marks the role.

We work on our project for a while but I notice Peter get up to talk to Ms. Mathews. Peter has a smug look on his face like he is planning something and Ms. Mathews seems quite intrigued by what he is saying.

"Tobias, you don't possibly think that Peter is talking to Ms. Mathews about us?" I whisper in his ear.

"I'm not sure, I really hope not though, I don't really trust her and I definitely don't trust Peter.

Soon enough it's time for lunch and I walk over to the gang and sit I between Tobias and Christina.

"Hey guys!" Christina exclaims.

"Hey." I reply.

"Everyone is chillin at my house after school for a game of truth of dare if you guys wanna come?" Zeke asks us.

"First it's OUR house and I wanted to tell them because I came up with the idea!" Uriah whines. Wow he can be really childish. Tobias wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and replies,

"We'll be there!" Ugh great! I wanted to spend the afternoon with him alone. But I suppose this might not be a bad idea considering Peter is on to us and no doubt would be searching the ocean this afternoon.


Soon enough I'm at my locker packing my bag, ready to go home when I spot Tobias coming over to me.

"Hey, Gorgeous." He says and kisses me in the cheek. I blush at his comment but reply back.

"Hey, so do you wanna walk back to my house to grab a bite to eat before heading to Uriah's and Zeke's?"

"Sounds great!" He takes my hand and I close my locker as we walk towards the front doors of the school.

On our walk we talked about random stuff, shared some laughs and stopped for a few kisses. We eventually reached my house and walked inside grabbing an apple and some raw fish out of the fridge (AN Tris's parents don't suspect anything because of the fish! I eat raw fish so it's normal ish) before heading to the Pedrad house.

On the way over I start to get nervous. I heard this game can get pretty out of hand and what if either of us let any part of our secret slip? I turn my head up to Tobias only to find him already looking at me. I laugh a little bit recover and ask him,

"What if they pressure us and we crack. I don't want to loose them as friends because they think we are freaks or something!" He can see the worry in my eyes so he pulls me in for a hug.

"Tris you know we are both stronger than that! And even if they were to ever find out I'm sure they would still be our friends. I mean I can just picture Uriah if he found out." I laugh thinking about how silly Uri can be. He kisses my forehead, takes my hand and we finish our walk towards the Pedrad house.

When we walk inside I find everyone already siting in the floor in a circle.

"Took you long enough! What did you get up to?" Uriah exclaims wiggling his eyebrows. I just roll my eyes at him and we join the circle.

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