Sequence III, Chapter 2: Yang - Attacked

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Soon enough, everyone was on a horse in pairs or alone. However, Yang was without one as she has no pairs as Ruby was with Weiss, Blake with Ozpin. She looked at a horse, shivering as she slowly went up and felt the horse. She was obviously scared, you sighed as you went over to Yang and carried her and sat her on yours, before mounting it.

"You okay back there?"

"Y-Yeah.. Just a 'lil afraid is all."

Ezio looked at you and you nodded. He then galloped forward and everyone soon followed. As you moved, Yang hugged you to prevent her from falling. Unbeknownst to you, her heart was pounding and her cheeks flushed deep red from being so close with you.

She stared at your back and couldn't help but think, what was under the hood of yours. She was falling for you. No matter how fast the horse was going, as long she was with you. She wasn't scared.

It was then you heard a cannon firing and an explosion not too far from where you were. The impact however managed to knock the horse down and you both fell.

"THE BORGIA ARE ATTACKING. AND THEY HAVE ALLIES." Ezio shouted, running for cover.

"White Fang? Why are they here?" Ozpin said as he followed Ezio.

"White Fang?" You asked Yang.

"A group whom we've fought against for so long."

There were Faunuses rushing for the group and they were fending them off pretty well, both were using their Aura's and semblance, but the cannon was a major threat so you made your way towards the cannon and attempted to disable it. However, it was guarded by both Borgia and Faunus troops, which was going to be tough. However, Ezio came to your side with several other Assassin Recruits.

"Need a hand?"

"I don't see why not."

You were the first to run and attack, managing to kill two Borgia troops before you were surrounded by Faunus. You decided to play it safe and let then attack first. However, they all attacked at once, so you had to duck, and used your blade to gut a few and ran off.

"Hey! Come back here."

You ran towards the one manning the cannon and sliced his neck, killing him. You took his sword and turned, narrowly avoiding a bullet.

"Nice shot, Puttana."

"Shut it, bastardo."

You swung your sword at his neck, killing him. You used the hilt of your sword and parried an attack and kneed his stomach, he fell on the floor, gasping for air, but you sliced off his neck. It was then you felt a sharp pain on your cheek and felt liquid oozing out. Turning, you glared at your attacker before throwing your sword, which he deflected. But you threw yourself at him and sunk your blade in his neck, ending his life.


You moved quickly and mounted the cannon, aiming at the arriving forces. You fired a round and it landed right in the middle, sending everyone dead, or injured. Ezio and his Assassins went to work in finishing off the ones still alive.

You looked at the other direction to see that the students of Vale are fending off people on their own. You watched in awe as they used their attacks that would make even the Apple of Eden useless. They seemed to be doing fine, but were clearly outnumbered.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang