Chapter 33

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As we walk down the stairs, some thing just doesn't feel right. It's like a pressure on my stomach.

Almost like a tightness. God this is weird. This is so weird. I'm dead, I can't feel. That is impossible for a ghost to feel.

I'm dead but I'm feeling like I'm alive. How is that possible. Just then the image of Tate on thanksgiving runs through my head.

Holy shit. Maybe Tate was right. Has Tate been telling the truth. If he was, no wonder he was freaked out.

Or maybe I'm just over thinking. Maybe all the talk of the incident is making me tense on edge. The mind is a powerful thing.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs, Tate looks behind himself and slightly smiles at me. His expression reads one thing: nervous.

He reaches back and interlaces our hands. We are walking through the house when I finally realize where we are going.

We are going to the back yard. Right before we turn the corner to the kitchen, Tate stops in front of me making me stop too.

Close your eyes, Tate says.

What, I ask.

Do you trust me, he asks.

I trust you, I say and close my eyes.

He goes behind me and puts each hand on one of my shoulders. He starts walking behind me pushing me forward.

He guides me through the kitchen and out of the back door. The warm, breezy California weather hits me as soon as I walk outside.

We keep going straight which is when I realize we are going to the gazebo. We step up the two white steps of the gazebo.

He lets my shoulders go and grabs both my hands and interlaces them with mine. He then pulls me by my hands into the middle of the gazebo.

Open your eyes, he says.

I open my eyes and my mouth drops open. The gazebo is all lit up with lights. Green and red strands of lights are strung accordingly on the gazebo.

I look up and in the middle of the peak of the top of the gazebo hangs a mistletoe.

Mistletoe, I say.

Well you know the rule, now we have to kiss, he says with a smirk plastered on his face.

He leans in and gently brushes his lips to mine. He pulls away and takes a deep breath in and out. He looks me straight in the eye.

Violet you are the only light I have ever known. You have saved me in every way possible that a person could. You showed me a better way.

You took me from the darkness and brought me into the light. I am forever grateful to you for that Vi. I love you. I loved you then and I still love you now. I will never stop loving you, Tate says.

Tate then gets down on one knee and pulls a box out of his pocket. Tears begin to brim my eyes.

Violet Harmon, will you marry me, he asks eyes full of hope and nervousness.

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