What a pleasant surprise

Start from the beginning

"Very well and you?"
"I'm great" I grin. And I'll admit the a special brunette briefly came to my mind, but I shook it off so I could focus. 

"That's good. Okay so I need to talk to you about the album and other things, make some arrangements and changes. Then you're good to go." I nod and proceed to sit down. 

11:57 am

Two hours later my meeting with John was finally over. I exit the house and call Will seeing that I finished earlier than I thought.
After three rings he picks up "Hello Will, can you come pick me up now from John's house?"
"Yes Miss Lauren" 
"Thank you" I hang up and wait for Will to come. 

30 minutes later Will arrives. He exits the car to open the door for me. I mumble a 'Thank you' and get in. I buckle my seat belt and when I turn to look Will is already inside and all buckled up. 'I swear to god this man is a ninja' I think to myself. 

"Where should I take you now Miss Lauren" he asks. 

I was a bit hungry but I knew I wouldn't have time to eat and get in time to the interview knowing it was at 1:30. I look at the time 12:36 it reads. I sigh. Guess I'll eat when I get out that stupid interview. 
"Take me to BuzzFeed" I tell Will, he nods and accelerates. 

We arrive at the BuzzFeed building exactly 15 minutes before my interview. I internally curse a bit seeing that the traffic didn't cooperate and I was almost late to this interview, and I'm not up for rescheduling.
"At what hour should I pick you up Miss Lauren?" asks Will through the rear view mirror.

"Uh, I really don't know Will. But I'm guessing this shouldn't take more than one or two hours, so be sure to be near by at 3:30 for when I call you." I tell him while I'm gathering my things to exit the car.
He nods "Very well Miss Lauren, good luck up there" he says with a smile. Will knows about my abhorrence towards interviews. I return the smile.

"Thanks Will" I exit the car and walk quickly to the building. I don't like being late, and less for these types of things. I like to get it over with as soon as possible. 

Once I'm inside the building I see the receptionist. I go over her work area to ask her where the interview is.

"Hi Good afternoon, my name is Ally. How can I help you ma'am?" She asks with a beaming smile which I return. She seems like a very nice woman. 

"Good afternoon Ally my name is Lauren Jauregui I'm here for the interviews that are taking place here. In which floor is it?" I ask somewhat in a hurry since I'm late. 

"Oh yes! If you mean the interviews that Mr. Luke schedule they are in the 7th floor." 

I nod "Thank you so much Ally have a nice day" I smile at her 

She returns even a bigger smile and nods "You're welcome Miss Jauregui" 

I turned to head to the elevator and once inside it I press the 7th floor. I arrive to the floor and Luke is already there to greet me

"Lauren honey thank you for coming!" says animatedly the dark haired man. 
I smile "No problem Luke. Where is the interview going to take place?"
"Follow me" he motions me to walk with him. We arrive at a conference room and there I see the cameras, seats, papers, everything is set for the interview. 

"Here is where the interview is going to take place. If you want to fix yourself a bit we have a make up and hair crew in the next room. Tori Kelly is there right now since we're interviewing her first and then is your turn. There is also some snacks over there" he winks at the last statement. My face lights up since my hunger is starting to rise and this interview could take a while seeing that is not my turn yet. 

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