Car rides

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Scott: "Hold on tight, princess." Scott said while accelerating his motor bike. Some girls don't like riding motor bikes but you love it. You and Scott love the wind blowing in your faces and the adrenaline pumping in your veins. Scott also loves it when you wrap you arms around him tightly.

Stiles: Car rides with Stiles are probably the best ones. It's just chill, with the windows down and you two just cruisin' down the street at a steady speed. Stiles has a stack of your and his favorite cd's so everytime you guys are driving somewhere, the music is blaring with the two of you singing loudly. "I love you y/n!" Stiles yelled through the song.

Liam: Liam doesn't have a car so your car rides would always probably be with Scott and Stiles in his blue jeep. You guys always play I spy or just messing with each other. "I spy something blue, old and rusty." Liam said while grinning. "I swear to God Liam, say that again and I'll drop your ass out of my precious jeep." Stiles said while gritting his teeth. You guys laugh all together.

Theo:  Theo loves speed. 'Cruising' is not in his vocabulary since everytime he drives his car he just flew down right by the street. "Jesus, Theo slow down will you?" You said while clutching the car seats. Theo grinned sheepishly and slows down the car a little bit. Yeah right, he would probably speed up later on.

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