What you get him for his birthday

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Scott: Leather Jacket. It's his thing now so for his birthday you got him one. He really loves it. You know it's just a leather jacket but Scott always says that it's more special because you're the one who gave it to him and it reminds him of you whenever he's wearing it.

Stiles: Speakers and a bunch of hoodies. You guys both love road trips and everyone knows how much Stiles loves his jeep (probably more than you) so you decided to get him some badass speakers. You even asked Scott to help you put it in his jeep and surprise him. Stiles was so surprised when he saw what you guys did. He hugged both of you. You also got him some new hoodies.

Liam: Running shoes. We all know how well-involved Liam is when it comes to spprt so you gave him a new running shoes the he has been lusting over a few months now. When you gave him your gift, he literally jumped out of joy and hugged you tightly.

Theo: Photos of you two. Since you guys are not always together with Theo always busy and you being drowned in a sea of schoolworks. So for his birthday, you gave a collage of pictures of you guys to put on his bedside table so that you'll be the last thing he would see before he sleeps and the first one when wakes up.

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