What your parents think about him

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Scott: Your mom really likes him. She always say that Scott reminds her of a puppy with his adorable hazel brown eyes and his easy grin. Your dad, on the other hand, was not really certain about him at first. He doesn't speak much whenever Scott is around and will just observe his actions. You ask him why he's like that with Scott, 'He's like the badboy. You see that tattoo? And oh don't get me started on that motor bike. My baby girl doesn't need that kind of boy.' He would always say. But your father eventually accepted him when he saved you from a wendigo.

Stiles: Your parents ABSOLUTELY love Stiles. Your parents like the fact Stiles feels at home but still knows his boundaries. Stiles always helps you with the chores, earning some more brownie points from your mom. Stiles and your dad has a great relationship too. Your dad loves baseball just like Stiles and sometimes they will go to a baseball game together, both with baseball shirts and caps with matching finger foams. Sometimes you think your parents love Stiles more than you.

Liam: Both of your parents think that you guys are not ready for a relationship just yet. And your dad doesn't like him because of the fact that he got kicked out of Devoncourt. But Liam really loves you and he's ready to prove your parents wrong. Your mom is starting to like him because he would always bring flowers, not just for you but for your mom also. Liam also helps your mom run some errands. And when it comes to your dad, he's really trying to impress him. He always tries to talk to your dad about sports but your dad will just ignore him or just occassionally nod his head. You always tell Liam that you love him and that your parents will accept and like him soon.

Theo: Your parents are very cautious with Theo. They think that there's something bad about him. And you know that they're just waiting for him to make a mistake so that they can confront him and know what he really is and the real reason why he's dating you. Your parents always warn you about Theo but you know the he loves you and he wouldn't do anything purposely to hurt you.

Teen Wolf Preferences and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora