Favorite thing you do together

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Scott: Watch some movies and cuddle. We all know Scott needs a break so whenever you guys have a free time together, you'll gather all your favorite movies and just cuddle all day. This also ends up with you guys ordering pizza at 2 am.

Stiles: Road trip. When Stiles is not busy solving supernatural mysteries, he's out with you on the road. He loves road trips and he loves it when he's with you. Yeah he's jeep may be old and a bit rusty on the side but you guys love Roscoe. (parrish owes stiles a jeep and if there's no jeep on 5B i need parrish out) So you guys take some cd's and a bunch of junk food and then just drive with both of you singing along the songs and him holding your hand the entire ride.

Liam: Play sports. Liam's really good at lacrosse while you're good at soccer (#Layden). When you're both on the field, you and Liam get so competitive and literally have your game faces on. You tried to score more goals but you can never beat him. Damn his wolf powers.

Theo: Adventures. Theo loves any kind of adventure and I guess he's rubbing off on you because you also enjoy rock climbing, bungee jumping and zip lining which at first very unbelievable and scary since whenever you look down, you feel like falling and vomitting at the same time. Theo's the one who get you to enjoy these thing and helped you get over your fear of heights.


IM ON A ROLL BTCHES. 2 prefs in one day yay me but i gotta go now drown myself in school works


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