What he does for your birthday

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What he does for you birthday.

Scott: You woke up with a big smile in your face. You turn 18 today but your smile wavers a little because you remembered that Scott's a little bit distant this past few days. You know you didn't do anything wrong so you don't know what's the problem but you decided to be happy today since it's your birthday. You dressed up real nice and go to school. You saw scott in the hallway, you waited for him to greet you a happy birthday but he just waved at you and sprinted to another direction. That dampens your mood so you're basically frowning the whole day. Finally school's over and you can't wait to eat ice cream and pig out on a bunch of junk food and binge watch something on netflix since no one from your friends remembered it's your birthday. Not even Lydia which is odd because she remembers everything. You arrive at your house and you see that no ones in. That did it for you. It's your birthday and no ones here to celebrate with you, you though to yourself. A tear escaped as you open the door. You were about to turn on the lights when someone beat you to it. "Happy birthday Y/n!" You're so shocked you probably resembled a fish out of water with your mouth opening and closing from being speechless. You can't believe it! Everyone is here, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam basically all of your friends. You see Scott standing there with your birthday cake. "Hey beautiful, make a wish." He said smiling at you. You made a wish and now the party's in full swing. "So do you like?" Scott asks, wrapping his arm on your waist. "I love it! All this time I thought you were mad at me because you barely talked to me and then this happens and oh my god!" He laughs as you ramble. It turns out to be a good day indeed and the best birthday you've ever had.

Stiles: It's your birthday today, you normally just celebrate it with your family and close friends. You're not really much of a party person so you always keep it simple and this year you dont really feel like celebrating because there's so much happening right now. All the killings, supernatural rules being reversed and most of all, the Dread Doctors so you decided to just eat a home-cooked dinner with your family and that's just it. After you and your family finished your wonderful dinner made by your mother, your parents gave you your gifts and then you go to your room to call it a day. While getting ready for bed, you heard a tap on your window. Your heart began beating so fast. What if it's a chimera? or worse the dread doctors? you thought to yourself. your phone blared, it's Stiles. "SERIOUSLY Y/N LET ME IN, WILL YOU?" Stiles whisper shouted through the phone. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Look through your window." You look through it and there you see Stiles waving like a mad man. You open the window and he climbed the ladder that's always hidden (it really comes in handy for occasions like this)."What are you doing here?" you asked him. He waved the plastic bags in his hands, "I thought we could celebrate your birthday like this so I brought some of your favorite movies and foods. Happy birthday babe. I know it's not much but you don't really like big parties and there's so much happening and.." You cut his rambling by kissing him. You pulled away and hug him, "Thank you so much Stiles." "No problem babe," He kisses your head before pulling away, "So I have batman here and Starwars. What do you want to watch first?" You laugh, and here you thought he would actually bring your favorite movies this time, not his.

Liam: "Okay we're almost there. No don't trip!" "You're the one who's guiding me, dumbass." "Good thing it's you birthday I'll let you get away with that one. Oh we're here!" Liam said excitedly. He picked you up after school saying that he has a surprise for you and here you are in a middle of nowhere. "Okay, I see trees, perfect." "No, look there." Liam pointed towards something and there you see a beautiful water falls. "Wow! Liam this is so beautiful, how did you find this?" You asked him while still staring at the scene in front of you. "I was running through the woods and I heard water running so I followed the sound of it and then I saw it and I was like 'Y/n needs to see this' so yeah." He said it while scratching the back of his neck. You smiled at him and kissed his cheeks. "This is so beautiful Liam, thak you so much." He smiled and then showed a picnic basket, "Let's eat now, shall we?"

Theo: For your birthday, Theo got you some tickets for Halsey's concert. When he showed you the tickets, you literally jumped up and down and showered Theo with kisses. You were singing along to the songs, taking pictures, screaming you lungs out and constantly thanking Theo for bringing you here. "So someone told me that it's Y/n Y/l/n birthday and he wants us to all wish her a Happy birthday so on 3, everybody say it with me, Happy Birthday Y/n!" You were so shocked, you can't
believe that Theo made Halsey and basically everyone on the show wish you a happy birthday. "Oh my god Theo, thank you so much. You have no idea how happy I am right now oh my god it's Halsey..." He cuts you by kissing you passionately. "Happy Birthday babe."

Okay i may have got carried away with scott and stiles but HALSEY tho


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