Chapter 3

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Anthony's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of a buzzer. 

"Ugg, just a little bit longer." I mumble to what I expect to be my alarm clock. But I hear the buzzer go off. That's not like my alarm clock. I Think to myself.

"Get up Anthony." I hear a mysterious voice say to me as I open my eyes to a dark cold room. All of a sudden the memories of what happened the night before flashed in my mind.

"Where am I? Who's speaking to me?" 

"I'll explain everything in due time. Now if you want to see your friends I suggest you get up eat and then I'll take you to them."

Then some food gets shoved through a slat in the door. I go up and then realize how hungry I really am. Despite the terrible food quality, I have the food gone in minutes.

"Good, you're much more obedient than the others." The voice says, amusement in his tone.

Then a masked man came into the room and blindfolded me. We then saying nothing walk for a little bit until I hear we are entering another room.

"ANTHONY!" I hear who is definitely Ian call out as the man unblindfolds me and leaves.

"Ian!" I run over and hug him, then seeing Dan and Phil coming over to greet me.

Then after a couple minutes of absorbing the happiness of being reunited the voice begins to talk.

"All right, I've let you four have your happy moments. Now to reveal why you're really here."

"What do you want with us?!?" Dan yells angrily.

"I have kidnapped all of you because my daughter told me that she needed new test subjects or pets as she likes to refer to them as, for her scientific research."

"So you thought it would be okay to then capture us four, for these so called pets? I say enraged. "We aren't some animals that you can use to just test out whatever. We are actual HUMAN beings!"

"Oh I'll let you go eventually." A new, feminine, voice called out. 

"You will?" Phil asks hopefully.

"Yeah, if you live through my tests." She says sounding very evil all of a sudden. "We start tomorrow, rest up."


A/N Sorry it's short I promise the next one'll be longer. While on this break though I've decided      -unless I get really excited and can't wait to publish a part.- I'll try to publish one chapter a day. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)

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