It's Only The Start

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"Now how am I supposed to explain all those bruises you have to your mother?" He smiled, turning to look back up. He started giving me flashes of a person who radiated power and magic. It took me a while to realize it was me.

I gave a nervous glance his way. "Is it a bad thing I don't remember a thing about what happened? I feel like I've been asleep for years and just woke up."

He nodded, slipping his fingers onto mine to intertwine them together. "You did miss a heck of a lot."

Looking back up at the stars from the balcony, I thought back to what had happened before I woke up. I couldn't seem to have any memories of what happened last night. I grimaced and it didn't get passed him. It wasn't my fault I couldn't remember. I just hit a brick wall and it frustrated me. 

"Is everyone who was hurt being treated?" I asked him, worried for everyone else who fought in the war.

Not everyone. I thought bitterly.

His eyes snapped to mine, hearing me. Sympathy swam in his eyes and I wanted to tell him to stop it. He heard that too.

"Yeah. I mean, everyone you saw downstairs are all torn up and injured. The worst are being treated. King's soldiers had a lot of magic on their side." I watched him growl, looking at the door and giving it an angry stare from the corner of my eye. "I blame him."

I knew he was refer to his brother. "He didn't know. You guys kept him in secret for a long time. I bet he has a lot of question. I sure as Elders do."

"The only question I have for you is saved for the future, Princess." He muttered blushing.

I give him a kiss on the cheek before sitting up. "You know it's not over, right?" I ask timidly.

He shot me a look from his spot on the floor. His eyes told me I was a hundred percent right. "Trust me. There is a reason you can't remember the fight."

I got why he said right away and glared at the land that rested miles away from the castle.

"The Elders are hiding something and it has something to with us."

I get it now.

It's only the beginning.


Hey!  It's Cha-ching here. I'll keep this short. 

Mystery is all discovered Beyond the Hedge. 😉

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