Resident Evil 4: Angels with guns

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Disclaimer: I own nothing! Wish I did though.

Resident Evil 4: Angels with Guns

Chapter 1: Where is safety?

"Katie! Lets go I wanna play!"

I sat in my living room, game controller in hand, T.V. on, and most importantly- home alone.

My father was at work for the next five hours so I took the time to go ahead and invite my friend Kaitlyn over, Katie for short. I was at my dads house for the weekend, my parents had long sense been divorced. I didn't want to go at first sense I wasn't really that close to my dad to begin with, but I changed my mind when I over heard my mom talking to her new boyfriend about a vacation.

The time here would be horrible were it not for my friend. Speaking of friend, she came strolling out of the kitchen, random snack foods in hands as she sat down next to me.

"Was all that junk food necessary?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Katie grinned. "Of course! What is a video game binge without game fuel! What games are we playing anyway?"

I grinned this time, a big satisfied grin. "Resident evil of course! I don't own the first couple of games though so..." I dug through my bag before pulling out the game I had been looking for. "The fourth game will have to do."

"The fourth one?" Katie seemed disappointed. "We can't go in order..."

"I told you! I don't own the first games! Besides this one is great, it has Leon!" I popped the game in without a second thought.

Katie sighed. "Finnee."

"It's also one player." i said quickly and was met with a pillow to the face.

"Well then I'm going first!" My blond companion said before snatching the controller up and starting the game. I giggled, over joyed at her enthusiasm to play and grabbed a bag of chips.

We went back and forth through the game. Handing the controller off when one of us died. Minutes turned to hours and the longer we played the more food we ran out of.

My hand sank into an empty chip bag. I groaned and picked it up to look inside. Crumbs...

"Im gonna get more snacks." I said as I stood, crumpling the bag into a ball. Katie grunted to let me know I heard her and I walked away. I tossed the bag in the trash and pulled out a new one. Crap I gotta go shopping. Oh well I'll do it later. I walked back out into an empty living room.


I paused and slowly looked around. No one on the couch, no Katie in the room. The T.V. was still on but that was it. And even more weird the T.V. was white. I thought maybe Katie had gone to the bath room and walked to the television.

"Oh no, don't tell me its broken..." i picked up the remote and pressed a few buttons.

No reaction.

Now I got really worried. My dad would kill me if I broke his T.V.

I looked at the remote hoping that it was out of batteries or I pressed the wrong buttons. But my attention was drawn away as the television flickered quickly.

I covered my eyes from it, the rapid strobing of black and white was highly unnecessary. When it stopped i peeked over as saw number streaming across the screen like some broken computer.

"Oh, what the hell." I said, slightly irritated as I through the remote onto the couch. The number flew across the screen before it went completely black and a single white bar blinked at the top left corner.

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