Chapter Eighteen: Us

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“Harry, come on! Andie’s showing us how to play with balls!”

If I was okay, Louis’ announcement would have make me fall off my chair.

If I was okay, I’d hurry off with him and see what the little Oompa Loompa and playing with balls meant.

If I was okay, I wouldn’t be sulking in my room all morning writing songs about her.

If I was okay, I wouldn’t feel something significant was taken from me, and I wouldn’t feel this torn inside.

I didn’t even make a move from where I was sitting, pieces of fully doodled papers right in front of me. My mind was completely blank. The brain could only comprehend one thing, -Makie crying and telling me she almost loved me back, but she can’t have me.

“Mate?” I felt Louis’ comforting hand hold me on my shoulders. I turned around and looked at him, “You look like crap Harry. I just told the same to Makie a while ago. Really, what is wrong with you two?” he asked.

I just returned a shrug. My best mate won’t understand me. He wasn’t the one who’s been rejected. And they still don’t know Makie’s secrets; no one will understand what I’m going through.

Louis let out a deep sigh and said “Look, I understand if you don’t want to share what’s happening. But you need to go out and come and play with us. A game will probably distract you and bring you back to your senses.”

I just shook my head. “I’m not sure if I have the energy to play.”

But Louis totally ignored me and my gloominess. He pulled me by my arm and dragged me out of the room. “No. You’re playing with us whether you like it or not. Don’t worry. Makie’s just watching us, she’s not playing.”

Just fucking great, how am I able to play with balls if she’s watching?

When Louis finally managed to drag me out of the building, I found Andie, Niall, Liam, Josh and Zayn in the middle of the lot. And as usual, Niall and Andie were fighting over something.

Andie’s angry scream was what I heard first. “That’s foul! I told you don’t take the ball off of my hands if I’m dribbling it!”

“I was blocking you! I wasn’t charging!” Niall retorted.

“You touched me while I was holding the ball. That’s a violation!”

Too many innuendos, Andie never really think twice of the words she uses.

No wonder Liam, Josh and Zayn were laughing at the two tiny people. Not one of them thought of getting in between the fight, wouldn’t be able to stop Niall and Andie from steaming off at each other anyway.   

“You’re the worst coach, you know.” Niall started off with Andie again.

Soul Siren (OneDirectionFF: Harry Styles/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon