Chapter Fourteen: Plan B

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A few days have gone by and it seemed like the waters have calmed down once again. The management won after all. They got what they wanted. The fans and paparazzi have favored the whole Harry Styles and Sabina Fines whirl. Everyone believed the rumors they served. Gossips about Team HAKIE were immediately replaced by fresh stories about the new found couple, HABINA.

Somehow, their plan did have a positive turn out. The reporters finally left Makie and let her mind her own business. They’ve lost interest on her since Sabina Fines entered the Harry Styles’ love train. Plus, it’s not like they can see Makie and I hang out that often because again, Uncle Simon instructed Vanessa separate us whenever possible. They said the lesser the drama Makie and I would have while on tour, the better. If we wanted Makie to stay on the tour, we have to be more careful now. Her career depends on how good she does with us and the whole management. With what Sabina blurted out that the management doesn’t favor her, it only means that they didn’t like her in the first place. One more snap and she’s definitely out. I can’t have that.

If I wanted Makie to stay, I have to keep away from her.

The only problem is -even if how hard I try to stay away- I can’t.

I still have too many questions unanswered about Makie. Why did she say she hates me when I showed everyone old photographs of her? Why was her life before this whole tour too difficult for her to express to any of us? And what does Vanessa meant when she mentioned miracles after I found out that Makie’s father was dead. What does Makie being with us have something to do with believing in miracles?

Vanessa was the only choice I’ve got left.

But whenever I try to corner her, she would come up with these excuses;

“Harry, I’m busy. I need to watch Makie’s sound check. Sorry.”

“Harry, I’m busy. Makie needs me on her dress rehearsals. She’s color blind. Sorry.”

“Harry, I’m busy. I need to go and check if Makie’s done with this week’s study portfolio. Sorry.”

Vanessa was busier than Uncle Simon. It’s not like I’d go straight to Uncle anyway. Remember, he’s basically pissed with me as of the moment? It was just so hard to get her time and attention so I could be able to talk to her. She was always busy with stuff about Makie needs this, Makie needs that. Nobody has ever paid attention to me these following days other than my concerned mates. 

Yet, I never gave up. Okay, I pissed a lot of people in the past few days, but giving up wasn’t in any of my choice. I try and grab every chance I think was okay. It was the only plan I could think of that was consolidating for both sides. I’d bugger Vanessa nonstop until she reaches her boiling point and eventually give up on me.

“Harry, how many times do I have to tell you I can’t chat with you right now?” I knew she got blamed by Makie after the whole surprise, earning her a cold treatment from her own talent nonetheless. That’s why she’s returning the same cold shoulder to me, just to make me stop. It was her fault anyway. She left me with too many questions. She knew I won’t stop until I get the answers. Call me desperate, but the frustrations I have inside was very unhealthy especially now that we’re halfway on the middle of the tour. Makie became my concern. No one can ever understand me but Vanessa. She always tries to deny me but I know deep inside she wanted to tell me things. She wanted to tell me more, but it always comes down to Makie and her artist’s loyalty to her.

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