"Are you wearing lipstick?"

"Yeah why?"

"Tastes good." I kiss her and she giggles. "What?"

"I don't know I guess it's just really fun to be around you."

"I feel the same way." I wrap my arm around her and we walk inside the house.

"You two are a beautiful couple. Would this be your first house together?" The seller asks. We break out laughing.

"We aren't married, and this is going to be a house for me and my sister."

"Oh okay. Well if you have any questions I'll be right here." We walk around the place.

Lili's POV

I notice the master bedroom and it looks amazing.

"Imagine this room being all yours. And it's far enough from Angel's room and the walls are thick enough for you to blast your music as loud as you want."

"I thought that was going to have a different ending."

"Like what?"

"I thought you were going to say stuff about sex."

"Lili I know you've had a bad past with a lot of guys but please know I'm different. I'll never pressure you into stuff like that. The reason we had sex was because you seemed all for it and I wanted to also but I was willing to wait longer if you wanted too. If you want me to wait a while I can wait years."

"I don't want to wait years but a few weeks would be nice."

"Okay. And I think you should get the house."

"I think so too." We walk back to the sales men. "I'll take it but I was wondering if the furniture comes with the place."

"That would cost up to 4000 more. Depending if you want all the rooms furnished or a few."

"I want all of them furnished. I can pay for the house as soon as I get home."

"Okay. And it looks like we won't need the week to get the furniture out of the place then so you can have it as soon as the money comes in."

"Okay thank you." We leave and go straight to the bank and pay for the house. We go to my hotel room and watch a few movies. A few hours later I get a text that the house is mine and I can move in any time and that the keys are under the frog. "Well I got the house."

"That's awesome. Want to go back there?"

"We can tomorrow. I want to be in your arms a little longer."

"Okay sweetie." I end up falling asleep in his arms. I wake up to him getting up. "Sorry beautiful someones knocking on the door." Michael answers the door and see's Luke there. "Luke what are you doing here?"

"Lili called me."

"No she didn't. She's been asleep on my chest for five hours."

"She called me this morning."

"Lili can I see your phone?"

"Of course." I hand him my phone.

"You're not on her recent call list. Nice try trying to break me and Lili up. By doing that you ruined my trust toward you." Michael slams the door and hands me back my phone. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay. Thank you for trusting me."

"Well I've been with you basically all day and you never called anyone so I knew he was lying."

"So you don't trust me you just used logic."

"No I do trust you I trust you a lot more than I trust a guy I've known since first grade."

"Sorry that you two are fighting."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because it wouldn't have happened if I didn't come to Ohio."

"But if you didn't I would've never met you."

"I guess that's true." I put my arms around his neck.

"You guess?" He puts his arms around my waist.

"I said I guess in a good way. I'm happy I came here. If I didn't we wouldn't be together right now."

"Well I'm happy you did." He kisses me. I kiss him back. We start making out and Michael lies me down on the bed still kissing me and starts to kiss my neck. He pulls away. "Sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. It's a good thing you pulled away though I only had one emergency and I haven't replaced it."

"You probably shouldn't for a while. It gives us a reason to stop."


"Sorry um maybe I should go."

"Yeah. Um see you later." He kisses me and leaves. A little bit later I hear a knock on the door. I get up and answer it.

"What do you want Luke."

"I want to say sorry for earlier. Is Michael here?"

"He left a little bit ago."

"Oh well mind if I come in?"

"Why?" He kisses me.

"That's why." I slam the door in his face.  

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