13: In Which Billie Makes Mikey Cry And Gerard Unknowingly Has Ryan Jealous Af

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"Why yes I did," Billie hummed, "which is good, we will need you in the battle that is soon to come."

"Is this all material on the Leviathan?" Mikey queried after a brief period of silence, his eyes dancing across the numerous tomes surrounding Billie's seat as he stretched his limbs into a more comfortable position.

"Everything that I could find," Billie nodded, his hands turning the page which had once again been filled with pointless information that he was already aware of.

"Have you discovered any major weaknesses yet?"

"No...nothing, I don't know if one doesn't exist, or if I am just missing something," Billie groaned, his head beginning to throb lightly as he devoured the next line of text, ignoring the pain to the best of his abilities in favor of hopefully gleaning a new sliver of knowledge that he hadn't possessed before.

"Well, two heads work better than one, so let's find a way to kill this son of a bitch."


"Can I touch them?" were the first words out of Gerard's mouth when Brendon and his companion alighted in their living room just as the sun began to set, his eyes comically wide as Frank did his best not to erupt into a fit of laughter at his boyfriend's odd request.

"Go for it," Brendon grinned, turning around slightly so Gerard had full access to his wings, which had been the object that had captured Gerard's attention so thoroughly, a joyous expression crossing Gerard's face as he began running his fingers through Brendon's feathers slowly.

Frank giggled under his breath at the scene before him, his gaze meeting the taller angel who had so far stayed silent, and after digging through his newly returned memories for a short while, Frank recognized the quiet man, his mouth turning upward in a smile as he stepped closer to his one-time friend.

"Ryan...it is you right?" Frank asked warily, the picture in his head slightly differing from the person standing before him. Ryan's hair had grown out into long curls instead of the choppy style he had sported before his death, but his chocolate irises had remained the same, and Frank was positive it had to be him.

"Yeah - hey Frank, it's been a while," Ryan responded, his feet shifting back and forth minutely as he spoke.

"Fuck - it really has, you look different, but in a good way. How is being an angel treating you?" Frank prodded, doing his best to contain the thousands of questions he had for the other man, because he had never been exceptionally close to Ryan, even in the past, and it seemed that time had built up a wall around Ryan that Frank didn't recall being there before.

"It's interesting to say the least, but I've adjusted." Ryan shrugged slightly, his eyes glancing over to where Gerard was still examining Brendon's wings curiously, his mouth constantly running the entire time, something about how he wondered if he had enough time to produce a rough sketch of the feathers before they left, or if he would be allowed to have Brendon model for him in Heaven, or something like that.

"How about you two, still madly in love?" Frank ventured to ask, because he hadn't missed the slight hint of jealousy that crossed over Ryan's face when he had observed Gerard touching Brendon so intimately, even though Gerard didn't remember that an angel's wings were especially sensitive, but Frank now did.

"Basically, we have had our ups and downs, but he still means the world to me." Ryan smiled at Brendon affectionately, allowing Frank to catch his first glimpse of the real Ryan that he had once known all those years ago.

"Frank," Gerard called out, interrupting the private conversation with his giddy tone, "come here and look at this intricate pattern, it is amazing, birds don't even have wings like this."

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat