"Finish him off!" a woman says, handing him a chair. Seriously, this isn't fair.

He runs towards me and hits my head, making me fall to the ground, than hits me again. I try to get up and he hits me one more time and another time then throws the chair to the side. I try to get up as everyone chants his name.

He grabs onto my leg and throws me onto the wall. I grunt in pain as he throws me onto the other wall then onto the floor. As he runs towards me one more time, I kick him in the chest...multiply times. I hit his face and Bone Saw steps back. He tries to hit me but I take my feet and use them to flip him over my head and hit the cage wall behind me.

The cage goes up and the referee goes up to me and lifts my hand yelling, "WINNER!"

"Everyone, give it up for the new champion, Spider-Man!"

Everyone chanted one last time. This time it wasn't 'kill him' or 'Bone Saw' or even 'cage' it was 'Spider-Man' they were chanting about me!


The man at the desk hands me a hundred dollar bill and continues to count his cash. "Now get out of here", he says to me.

"A hundred bucks? The ad said three thousand", I said to him.

"Well check it again, web head. It said three grand for three minutes and you pinned him in two! For that, I give you a hundred and you're lucky you get that."

"I need that money", I say sternly.

"I missed the part where that's my problem."

I turn around and walk out as someone else comes in. I click on the elevator button and hear someone yell 'hurry up' from the office then a grunt. The elevator dings and opens up. The man who came in after me started to run down the hall away from the other man.


He runs into the elevator and right before the door closes, he slightly smiles at me and says 'Thanks'.

A cop ran behind him and the door closed. He banged on the door and looked at me. "What the hell is the matter with you? You let him go!"

"You could've taken that guy apart. Now he gonna get away with my money", the other guy from the desk said.

"I missed the part where that's my problem", I tell him.

Without saying anything he walks away from me, down the hall.


I walk down the sidewalk and see tons of cop cars speeding down the street. People were running down the sidewalk past me into a large group of people. What happened?

"You gotta get back", a police officer said in the group of people in front of me, "Are you okay?"

I walk closer to the crowd. "Come on please, move out of the way", another officer said.

"Someone got hurt."

I get closer and closer until I see something I didn't want to see. Ever.

The police officer holding me back so I couldn't get through.

"THAT'S MY UNCLE!" I scream and push through her. I lean down next to Uncle Ben as he lied on the hard ground. "What happened?!"

"Car jacker, he got shot. But we just called the paramedics. They are on their way", the officer said.

"Uncle Ben?" I say as he breathes heavily. "Uncle Ben!" "Uncle Ben?"

"Peter", he lets out.

"I'm here Uncle Ben", I say and grab onto his hand to hold it.

"Peter", he lets out one more time. He slightly cries as he closes his eyes and his grip on my hand becomes loose. His hand fell out of my hand onto his stomach.

My throat closed as I knew what was happening. I cried, my tears huge. This was his end. But at least he lived a beautiful life, with a nice family and caring wife. I would miss him dearly, he was my idol and role model. May he rest in peace and know how much I love and care for him.

A/N***So I know this chapter has nothing to do with Tyler, but I want to finish the Spider-Man part done in this book. I watch Spider-Man while writing these chapters so they are pretty legit. I love but hate this chapter at the same time.

What did you guys think? Let me know!

More to come :) ~H

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now