6. Barry

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It was the first day at school with Peter and Barry knowing that I'm Tony Stark's daughter. I got dressed in my baggy Nutella tee shirt, grey skinny sweats, and my red vans. I put my hair into a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror. I was so comfortable.

I sighed, I was nervous about how they were gonna act at school. Peter and Barry were so freaked out yesterday. I shakily made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My feet shivered as they touched the cold tile floor. Why is it freezing in here?

I see dad sitting down at the breakfast bar and I sit down next to him.

"Good morning dad", I say.

"Morning baby", he says smiling at me.

"Why is it so cold in here?" I ask him as Pepper walks over to me and places a plate of eggs and toasts in front of me.

"Heater broke. I'm too busy to fix it at the moment so I had to call someone."

I nod and take a fork to place the eggs onto the top of my toast and lift the toast up to take a bite. "This is really good. Thank you, Pepper", I say smiling to her. She smiles back and nods slowly.


"Okay, well, why don't you get going?" dad asks after I finish my food.

"Okay dad, I'll see you later", I say and give him a hug. He kissed the side of my head and let's go of me. I see his smile look at me and I smile back.

"Bye", he says and I grab my backpack and walk to the car where Mark was.


I open up the passenger's door and walk out. I wave goodbye to Mark and close the door.

I start to walk to the door when I hear my name yelled. No not Amelia, Tyler. I turn around and see Peter and Barry waving to me with bright smiles. I grunt and walk over to them.

"Guys, you can't call me that!" I say crossing my arms.

"What are you talking about?" Peter asks.

"You have to call me Amelia at school."

"Sorry", Barry says.

"It's fine, just don't call me that here again or I'll get in a lot of trouble", I say sighing.

The nod and we go to our class.


It was now lunch time and I was making my way to the cafeteria when I felt arms grab onto my shoulders and push weight onto me. I grab the hands and lift them up, twisting them as I turned around.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow", Barry whimpered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry", I say letting go. He shrugged his shoulders a few times and shook them.

"No, it's fine. That was my fault", he laughed.

"Are you going to lunch?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that's why I ran over to you."

"Oh, right." I nodded. "Come on, let's go."

We walk into the cafeteria and get in line to get our food.

"Move it ass-hats", someone yelled behind me. I turn around and see Flash pushing through everyone. He came up behind me and glared at me. "Move out of the way", he growls.

I gross my arms and furrow my eyebrows. "What are you gonna do if I don't move?" I ask him.

"I'll punch the little shit of a face you have."

"I suggest you don't do that, or you might lose your head", I say. He scowls at me, trying to find a comeback but fails.


"Yeah, that's what I thought." I turn around and look at Barry and smile.

"W-what?" he mumbles.

"What's the matter?" I joke.

"You just stood up to Flash", he says.

"Yeah, so?"

"That's a first...in the entire school."

"Well, I guess everyone is gonna know who I am."

"Well, they'll know who Amelia is..." I look at him and then look down at my feet in realization.

"Oh." Barry pats my back comforting and we started to walk closer to the food. I grabbed a tray and gave it to the lunch lady. She put a slice of pizza and a cup of oranges onto it. She gave it back and I walked over to where the water was. I grabbed one and walked over to the cash register. I gave her three dollars and I waited for Barry as he paid. When he was done we found a table and sat down.

"Hey, where is Peter?" I ask him.

"Lunch detention today", Barry said.

"He needs to stop getting in the middle of things."

"Yeah, Flash blamed the whole incident on Pete."

I shook my head and took a bite of the pizza.

"Hey Ty-I mean, Amelia, how is your...dad?" Barry asks.

"Um...cold", I joke.


"Nothing, it's nothing. He's fine...he's been trying to upgrade his armor. He's really busy with stuff."

"Do you think that since I know about you now, I can come over?" he asks me smiling.

"Sure, why not. I really like having you over", I say smiling. His eyes grow wide with excitement and I chuckle under my breath.


Barry bites into his pizza and I take out my phone. I start to pull up mine and my dad's conversation and start to type up a text.

Tyler: Hey dad, can Barry come over today?

There was no response right away so I continued to eat my food.

A few minutes later my phone beeped. I picked it up to see a text from my dad. I smiled and opened it.

Dad: Um...I can't have him anywhere near my lab. Secret projects... If you promise to stay in the game room that I'm fine with it :)

Tyler: Thanks dad! I love you!

Dad: Love you too

I put my phone down and smiled up at Barry who was now on his phone. I put down my pizza and poked Barry's shoulder with two of my greasy fingers. He looks up and sees me smiling.

"So, my dad said you can come over. But we have to stay in the game room. He's working on something", I say.

"YOU HAVE A GAME ROOM?" he yells in a whisper...thankfully. I nod as his face lights up. "I am totally okay with that!"

I laugh and look down at my food. I pick it up but if falls out of my hand. Huh? My hand shook and I put it down, trying to not look at it. But I just felt my hand shake, my hand becoming numb. What's going on?

I shook it off and decided not to finish my food.

A/N***Okay guys! New chapter, new...problems... What did you think? I like to know what you think! Love you guys! Don't forget to vote!

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