Chapter 21

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Here I am going to the mall to get my baby Monica something for our anniversary. She's been riding for me for a long time. And lately I've been falling off. I don't want her to think I forgot about her. That's wifey, she deserves the best. Whatever Sky and Shoota is doing I hope it's worth it. I'm the only man who would ever love her. I hope she realizes that. But anyways.

Here I am walking around the mall getting everything Monica likes. I saw these two bad ass females walking around laughing and shopping. Since me and Sky ain't on that level right now I might as well pick up something new right? Right. But I started recognizing one of them. "Sky?" she started lookin around. Oh hell nah! "Sky!" She finally turned around. Damn, I hardly recognized her. She's gotten a little darker like she's been in the sun or something. And she's getting a little big. I started getting mad. "Where the fuck have you been Sky?"

"Out of town. Whatchu doing here Dez?" She looked at the bags in my hand. Preferably, the Victoria Secrets one. "Never mind."

"I've been calling you and you ain't never called me back like the fuck. Who the fuck you been with?"

"Don't worry about it. Go worry about your girlfriend please. I'm tryna relax." I stared at her. This is not the Sky I know.

"Look you better fix that damn attitude." She was about to make me hurt her.

"And you better back the fuck off my cousin," the other girl said. "She is not yo little hoe no way. Go play with another bitch cause hunty you don't want it, trust me."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Nun ya muthafuckin business my nigga. Back the fuck up before I act the fuck up and you be laid the fuck out." I just stared at this hoe. Who the fuck does she think she's talking to?

"Come on Tonya. It ain't even worth ya time. Shawn lookin for us." Sky pulled her away. What the fuck?! Did I just lose my fuckin girl?!



Monica told me that Shawn was back in town. Good. I was gonna go and pop over to his house and give him something to remember me by. I just need him one time. One time so he can know what he's missing chasing after Sky. She'll always and forever be stuck up Dez ass. Do I feel bad that I'm allowing Sky to cheat with Dez on my cousin? Hell nah. Monica should've put his ass in check. And I told Sky to leave him alone but she doesn't listen either.

Besides, I know Monica. She'll get rid of me too if she finds out me and Sky cool. Or the other secret. Monica cares about nobody but herself and Dez. Once I get with Shawn, I don't care if Monica does find out my secrets. Being with Shawn means I'll be untouchable. I also haven't seen too much of Sarie and I'm missing her.

Shawn is having a little get together today at his place. He didn't tell me but Monica found out. Her and Dez will be showing up, uninvited. I thought I should go too. It would be the perfect time to bag Shawn for myself. I went to my closet and got myself all cute for my future husband. Nothing will stop me now.




When I pulled up there were a lot of cars in the yard. His last party didn't have this many people. I wonder who's all here. Whatever. I climbed out of my car and made my way to the door. Since the music was so loud I just walked in. There were a lot of people here. I wonder where Shawn is. I walked around looking for him. I found him in the backyard laughing with his friends. I got nervous looking at him. Just looking at him made me quiver. But I'm on a mission so I can't bitch out. I walked over to him.

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