Chapter 7

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I'm getting out the hospital after like two days. Not once has Dez stopped by to see me. This time, I didn't cry. Since Rashawn is helping me I can look forward to having him to myself.

"Ready?" Rashawn was picking me up and then we're going to eat to get the plan together. I nodded. "Did he come to see you?"


He shook his head. "I told him you were in an accident. He doesn't even have the decency to come visit you."

I didn't say anything. I know part of him didn't want to do this and wanted me to find someone down for me. Dez could be that person. I have faith in him. I have to.

We pulled up to this in the cut restaurant. It was called Sticky fingers. I used to love coming here. Rashawn would take me and Sabrina here when their parents would get into fights. "Damn I haven't been here in a long ass time." I agreed.

"How many?" the hostess looked ready to fuck Shawn right there. Thirsty hoes I swear.

"Two." She switched a little too hard to our booth. Rashawn wasn't even paying her any attention.

"What can I get you to drink sexy?"

"Two Sprites." She sashayed away to get our drinks. It was quiet between us. She came back to take our order. She was being so thirsty I offered her some of my sprite. Shawn just laughed as he dismissed her. "Okay let's get down to business. Are you willing to hear the truth and not get in your feelings about it?"

I had to think. Rashawn doesn't sugar coat anything. If he's speaking real shit best believe it's going to hurt like a muthafucka. I sighed. "I'll try."

"First off, you ain't main material, yet. I see how you look at yourself. You need to gain some confidence especially for these Dboyz. We're gonna need someone who can protect themselves and show us what these other hoes lack. You don't have respect for yourself and that's a turn off. You sit around and cry all the time. You can't even have a real ass conversation without breaking down into tears. You need to stop acting like some child and woman up. It's okay to cry but not over spilled milk."



I stared at Sky's face to see her reaction. She looked hurt by what I said. I'm just keeping shit one hunnid with her. Before she becomes anybody's main she need to stop punkin out. I hate to see her hurt but I had to be honest with her.

"Okay," she said slowly. "How can I fix that?" no tears, good start.

"I can't teach you everything, some of that has to come from you. You need to show this nigga you don't need him. So no more just sitting on your ass. You need to get up and make your own hustle. I don't care if he is paying for that apartment you in. His girl eating good while you get scraps. It's time you feed yourself."

"I don't have a car."

"Don't worry about that. I've gotchu. We gotta get through our first phase."



I left Monica to go see about Sky. I think she's home now. I took the long drive to her place. I pulled and parked my car. I used my key to unlock the door. "Aye babe." I went upstairs looking for her. She was in her room putting new clothes away. Where the hell she got all this? "What the hell is this?"

She looked up at me. "Oh hey I didn't hear you come in. Shawn took me shopping. I told him only a few things. He went a little overboard." She took the rest of the clothes into the hall closet.

"Why the hell he took you shopping?"

"He felt I needed it after my accident."

"What accident? Why you ain't call me?" I pretended to play like I didn't know. I don't need her crying and shit like always.

"Shawn was there with me so I guess it wasn't a big deal." She put the rest of her clothes up and sat on the bed. She was sorting through a bunch of papers.

"What's all that?" she's too calm. I know this girl. She blows up over the littlest things.

"Job applications."

"For what?"

"A job," she gave me a duh expression.

"First off, lose that sass." She rolled her eyes. "Whatchu need a job for anyways? You living off me. I pay all the bills, I make sure you got 5 thousand in yo bank account every month. You ain't need a job."

"I may not need one but I want one. I had an epiphany these past few days. I'm tired of being cooped up all day waiting my life away. I'm getting a job to try and do things for myself."

"No the fuck you ain't." I'm not having my girl get a job. The reason I moved her all the way out here is so no one can try and talk to her. She's not my one and only but she's mine. She ignored me. "Sky I know you hear me talking to you."

"I'm busy." I snatched all those papers from her. "Man Drew quit playing. I need to turn those in by tomorrow."

"Fuck these damn applications." I ripped all them shit up.

"Why the fuck would you do some shit like that?" she looked pissed but I didn't give a fuck. "You got that bitch riding around doing god knows what and I can't get a fuckin job? In what world is that fair?"

"It doesn't have to be fair. She's not you." She looked shocked and hurt. "Look I didn't-"

"I think you should go."

"Listen man-"

"Bye Dez," she held her hand up cutting me off. I kissed my teeth and left. It's alright. She's gonna be blowing me up later.



The nerve of this nigga. That's some fucked up shit. What he said hurt like hell but I'm proud of myself for not crying. I don't know where the confidence to tell him to leave came from but I like it. He's probably thinking I'm going to text him later. Hell no fuck him.

I called Shawn. "Wassup?"

"He stopped by and ripped up my applications."

"Yeah I figured. Don't worry I got something set up for you tomorrow. Just get some rest cause Imma be there early tomorrow morning. "

"Okay see you then." I went to take a shower and then climbed in bed. This is the first night in so long that I don't cry myself to sleep. It actually felt....pretty good.

So tell me how y'all feel about all the characters and the story so far. Sorry if this seems to be happening fast. I'm not trying to make this really long. Vote comment and follow.

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