All eyes shot to him in alarm. He didn't realise because he was still so into the game. He looked around, obviously surprised at everyone staring at him. Cole was the first to talk. He looked confused if not slightly embarrassed. Awwww...

"And you would know that because?" he demanded.

Jeremy was the one to look alarmed. "Oh god, I haven't done anything with her Cole..."

"I was gonna say, I don't remember it if we ever did." I chirped in.

"Well we did have a little make out session after-"

"Shut up Jeremy. No one wants to hear your lies." I cut Jeremy off.

"Well, as I was's just girls sometimes scream like that when their-"

"Okay enough information, we have children in the room." I said.

"I'm not a child," said Ashton adamantly.  He puffed out his chest "I'm almost fifteen actually."

"Yeah, sure chubby cheeks." I said.

"I have not got chubby cheeks!" Oh dear, it was so easy, yet so funny to wind him up.

"Right, well before this situation gets any more awkward than it is right now, I'm gonna go get ready for the party." I said standing up.

"Want your boyfriend to come help you?" Jeremy asked, winking.

"I think I'm good." I said winking back. No one glanced up at the word boyfriend. All the brothers knew about our 'fake relationship' now. It was hard not to tell Blake when he obviously knew something was up. Then naturally we had to tell Ashton.

"Ahh well, it was worth a shot." He said before going back to the game. I turned to say bye to Cole even though I would probably see him in an hour...but his focus was...on a wall? He was actually staring at the wall with such intensity...okay then. Right well, bye...I said to him mentally before trudging away. Hopefully my dad wouldn't be home from work yet so I could just go in, get ready and come back out again.

Sounded like a plan.



She looked so cute when she was being tickled, scratch that, she looked cute all the time. I mean her laugh was amazing.

"Jeez it sounds like Stephanie was having sex or something the way she was screaming like that."

I literally had a small heart attack when Jeremy said that.

Did that mean that Jeremy had slept with her? He said that she sounded as if- so how would he know that otherwise. Or was he just joking and I was just paranoid? Oh shit, what is happening to me? I'm freaking out over one comment that was probably a joke coming from my brother. I mean Steph would never sleep with him anyway. They had a fake relationship. Holding hands, a few quick pecks here and there and all that jazz.  There was nothing to worry about Cole.

In the few seconds that everyone was staring at Jeremy after he said these words, that had all run through my head. "And you would know that because?" I said, more demanding than I expected.

I saw some of the blood drain from Jeremy's face. "Oh God, I haven't done anything with her Cole..." That's good. I thought, relief sinking through me.

"I was gonna say, I don't remember it if we did." Steph laughed ease up the tension that was slowly growing.

Blake and Ashton were still playing COD without really paying attention to us.

"Well we did have a little make out session after-" he what?? They what???

"Shut up Jeremy. No one wants to hear your lies." Stephenie said quickly, glancing at me quickly in the process. she did care what I thought. My only wonder was why...why would she care that I care about her relationship with Jeremy.

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