17: "I'm an award-worthy actress cross pathological liar."

Start from the beginning

"The only one in this town, the one with the unpronounceable name."

"Snap! Okay, I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"See ya Sienna, try not to kill Corey."

"Thanks buddy." Corey mumbled.

Zack waved us off and as soon as he was out of earshot, I let Corey go. "You worm."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

"Not making me look like a complete twat in front of guys. Especially not cute guys."

"You were blushing equally as bad as he was; you were making yourself look like a twat, babe. You didn't need any help there." 

"Shut up." I huffed. "Was I really blushing that bad?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." Corey said, starting to walk off. "So you think he's cute?" 

"Maybe. But you dare tell him, I'll set your balls on fire."

"Damn, you a violent child."

I whipped round to face him.

"Please don't hurt my balls." he whimpered. I grinned. 

Sienna 1, Corey 0.


"So, two lasagnas, one spaghetti bolognese, one fish plate, one shepherds pie and two cottage pies, with four beers, two cokes and a water?" the waiter asked, after going round the table and collecting everyone's orders. Harry nodded. My jaw dropped at the amount of food on the list.

"Your food will be here in five minutes." he said politely and left.

"Bloody hell, I don't think I've even seen that amount of food in my entire life." Corey said, taking the words right out my mouth.

"I've heard the food here is really good." Niall said excitedly.

As the waiter said, the food arrived soon after and it looked great. 

"Niall, you were right." Corey practically moaned. "When I die, bury this lasagna with me."

"Spaghetti Bolognese," I began, "is what Martin Luther King dreamt about. It's what he died for. It will be served at my wedding, my funeral, and any other times I feel like celebrating."

"You two get weirder every day." Liam said.

"It's contagious," I replied, coughing into the crook of my arm, "I think Louis is spreading it."

"I am offended by your comment. But pleased that you're gaining my sense of humour." Louis countered.

I twirled my spaghetti round my fork and my mind drifted back to Lucy and what she'd said to me on the phone earlier. Luckily it was only momentarily, and before I had a chance to overthink things my mind was focused on how amazing the bolognese sauce was.

Hey, what can I say? Spag is love, spag is life.


"Oh, quick question, can my friend Zack come to the beach with us?"

"Is he the friend you met yesterday?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, he's staying in this hotel as well. Please can he come?" I pleaded.

"He's a good guy." Corey added to the conversation, lips pressed together, "He's a lot of fun."

I gave him my deadliest glare to which he just grinned sarcastically. I raised my eyebrows and he quickly moved his hands to cover his man-treasure.

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