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Four Months Later

"Up and at 'em boys. Rise and shine!" I heard one of the corrections officer yell, as he used his baton to bang against the cell doors. I hopped up from where I just did a set of 300 push ups. A few moments later I heard the latch unlock meaning we were free to start moving around the unit. "If you're not in line, in the next 10 seconds you won't be showering today. Get your asses out here!" Officer Forest exclaimed. I sighed, and grabbed my soap bar, and towel. I made my way into the hall seeing almost everyone in my unit already there.

I sighed and rolled my eyes thinking about how today would be just the same as every other day that I've been here, shitty. Once Forest, did his head count we made our way down the corridor towards the shower stalls. Once we made it, Officer Forest and his second in command Torres told us to strip and started our 5 minute countdown for the showers. I mentally groaned thinking over everything.

I had been in Riker's for a little over four months now. Luckily, Ace had my back after I talked to him. Andres was able to get Chris out, and fix the paperwork situation, but I had gotten into an altercation with a CO here, and got a little case out of it. They gave me a court date, but they denied bail, because they thought I was a flight risk. Andres, had got an appeal; while my nigga Money made arrangements to make sure I got out.

My court date was later today. I knew after I got out of the showers, I would be back to my cell getting dressed, and ready for transport. I couldn't wait, I was tired of being locked up feeling like a caged animal. During these months shit was tough. I didn't know what was going on, and I was at someone else's mercy. I kept my head down for the most part unless niggas started fucking with me. Which they started to, after I got let out of solitary. I guess niggas started talking about who I was, and everybody has to be the tough guy behind the wall. I got into a few altercations, but I started to chill when Ace told me they were purposefully baiting me to add time on my sentence.

"Times up!" Forest blew his whistle, signaling Torres to shut off the water. "Line em up, and let's head back to the unit, inmates." I shook my head, moving into line like I was back in elementary school or something. We walked back into the unit, and I went back into my cell. I put on the plain white boxers they give you, and started putting on my suit.

Once I finished getting dressed, I went over to my cell door, and looked through the window to see if anybody was coming. Once I saw it was all clear, I went to my mattress, and stuck my hand in the hole I had cut in it against the wall, and took out a burner phone. I quickly dialed, Money. After a few rings he answered.

"Yo bro?" "What's up with you?" I asked him. "Chilling, I should be asking you that. You ready for today?" "Yeah nigga! I been locked for too damn long, but the question is are y'all ready?" I inquired. "You already know. Gotti, came through for his niggas." I nodded, knowing if he asked Gotti, Gotti would come through. He was a thorough nigga, and I was glad he was on our side. Nothing nice comes from being that niggas enemy.

"That's fam right there. I'm going to make sure I look out for bro too." "You know I already gave him a little something." "Word bro, preciate it. I'll see you later though." I told him quickly as I heard steps coming closer. I hung up, and stashed the phone again. Torres, came to my cell, and spoke through the window. "Alright Brooks, time to roll. Come to the door, arms out front." I stood, and made my way over. I stuck my arms through the slat in the door, as he cuffed me.

"PRISONER, EXITING THE UNIT!" Torres announced, as he led me out of my cell. Two other officers flanked my sides, as we went through a series of door, and hallways. We finally made it out of the prison, and they cuffed me to the back of the prison transport van. "I don't even know why they're waisting their time on you." Torres sneered, as he sat in the back of the van to monitor me. I cut my eyes at him, and closed them. I wasn't fucking with these niggas.

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