Chapter 16. Each days a gift and not a given right

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I opened my eyes to a strange man smiling at me, until I realized it was Castiel. Castiel was Serena's babysitter and fell in love with Lillian, I bet when he found out he freaked.

I shot straight up "what are you doing in here?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"I found out about Lillian and Serena, sorry that she changed you" he replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Lillian said it was because there was a war and that being a vampire I would be more powerful" I got out of bed, I walked into the bathroom and closed the door to change.

I changed into a red sundress. My stomach started to hurt, I rushed to the toilet and threw up.

"Ann you ok?" Thomas knocked on the door. I rinsed my mouth out.

"Yeah I'm fine" I opened the door.

"Damn you look hot" he said.

I pushed him outta my way "shut up" I smiled and giggled softly.

He picked me up, he flipped me around so I looked down at his face. Then he put me down and made an evil grin "I'll never shut up about how beautiful you are" he said.

I kissed him, his lips felt soft which gave me the hunger for more. Castiel opened the door which broke the kiss. We both looked at him, "sorry" he said.

"No problem mate, what's up?" Thomas asked him.

"General something is here, he wants to talk to Annemarie. He's demanding it actually" Castiel replied.

He closed the door, our eyes met again. "Stay here" Thomas said.

He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm "Thomas don't, I can handle myself remember?"

"Fine" he made a fake pouty face.

"What's put you in such a good mood today anyway?" I asked him.

"I dunno, I just feel really happy when I'm around you" he replied.

"Aww" I walked out the door and laughed because I just shut the door on him. He opened the door again, I started to run and he chased after me.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the end of the hallway when my eyes met General Kellin's.

He stood up from his seat "Annemarie" he said.

I stiffed my body "what do you want?" I asked him getting serious.

"It's about pandemonium" he replied.

"I want nothing to do with that place anymore" I looked at Thomas.

"Your next to the heir and we can't have a king or queen, you need to come with me back. You belong home Annemarie, the people need you" he said.

"No!" I got in his face "you find someone else to rule your shitty little kingdom, you killed these people, your people did. I don't want to go back and I won't" I started to walk away, he grabbed my arm, I ran fast and pushed him up against the wall.

His eyes widened "never ever touch me" I snickered and let him go, I ran fast to the bed room. Thomas met me there.

"I can't believe he had the balls to actually come here now and say that I need to rule, after he put that damn bounty on my head it's not worth it. Probably some trick, how dare he!" I yelled, I stormed out of the bedroom and to the balcony.

Thomas came out and walked next to me. "He's not worth it Ann, they don't deserve a good ruler like you, which reminds me. Tomorrow I turn twenty, and I become king that day" I looked at him in surprise.

"Your becoming a king? Wow, I'm dating a prince and soon to be king, how does that work?"

"Ann I don't want to be the loner king, it's too early and I'm so frustrated because I wanna ask you but I feel that you'll say that we're not ready" he replied. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Screw it anyway" he said "I'll be right back" he walked inside. I repeated what he said in my head "he wants to marry me!" I yelled in my thoughts, "oh my god, if he does I'm definitely gonna say yes I mean I get that we've only known each other for less than a year but it was getting close to a year but I don't care I love him".

He walked back out and toward me. He took a deep breath "ok here we go" he said softly, he bent down and got on one knee. I gasped and put my hands over my mouth. This was really happening.

He pulled out a box and opened it, it was a beautiful diamond ring that had sapphire around it. "Annemarie, I know it's only been some months but I'm willing to risk, I'm deeply in love with you Ann, you make my day and you give me hope. You make me happy and I wanna make you happy too, would you do the extraordinary favor of marrying me?" He asked, I think I saw sweat on his forehead.

I felt tears trickle down my face "yes" I said softly, he stood up "yes!" I yelled. We both laughed, this was the best day ever! He slipped the ring on "oh my god Thomas it's beautiful" I said. He cupped his hands on my cheeks, I kissed him.

"I love you Ann" he said putting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too" I said. I smiled to wide I thought my cheeks would fall off. About an hour later we went into the dining room for lunch.

I could not stop smiling, I don't think Thomas could either. A servant walked out and served our food. Mashed potatoes and gravy with some ham. I dug in, it tasted so good.

When Thomas finished he stood up, the other ten people looked up "I know I'll be king soon and I promise to be the best king I can be, but now I found the love of my life, and were gonna get married" he said.

Everyone clapped and hugged us, congratulating us. Then I knew, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Thomas.

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