Chapter 13. In the end

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Guards were walking down the streets, treating me like I had a bounty on my head. They were screaming at people and demanded where I was. Serena told me to stay here. They were torturing them! How could Thomas do this to them?

This was ridiculous, I especially lost it when they started beating the people. "Hey trolls!" I yelled as loud as I could. Everyone looked at me.

"Get her!" One of the guards yelled and pointed at me. I slammed and shut the door so they didn't know Serena was in there. I grabbed one of my knives and jumped up and grabbed a rope and climbed. I climbed to the roof and moved my way over to the roof across me with the street decoration.

I saw a horse and jumped on its back, Serena was already there "paid and ready to go" she said and got on. I kicked it's sides and we took off. I went as fast as we could.

I heard other horses behind me "lose them in the forest! They never go there" Serena yelled. I moved the horse into it. Thomas was on a horse and got in front of me "one thing you forgot about the training, was that ninety-nine percent of the time the enemy will cut you off by the front, I remembered that for sure" he snickered.

I made my mad and confused face, I saw an opening that he didn't seem to notice. I drove through it, the horse jumped a log and went faster.

"Hear anything?" I asked Serena.

"Nope, just the horse" she replied. I went slow on the horse.

"So what happened?" She asked me, I knew she was never gonna let me free until I answered.

"I brought up the topic of adopting you and he freaked out. Then he said that he got hurt more than I did and he was starting to think if it was worth it" I replied, I was beginning to get furious again. I felt my eyes start to sweat but I tried to blink them away.

They got free and I quickly wiped them away. "Ouch, that doesn't sound like Thomas at all" she said but then froze and went quiet.

"What?" I whispered. She looked around with wide eyes. I got nervous as I let her concentrate.

"It's Thomas but he has no idea where we are" she said softly. I stilled the horse and shushed it if it made any sound.

I caught a glimpse of him, he was looking for us and he looked.....worried.

"Annemarie! I know you can hear me and I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" He yelled. Then he looked toward me, I didn't worry until I realized he was looking at me.

He rode to me. I stood up straight and stiff, getting prepared for a fight or getting ready to run. "Annemarie come home" he said.

"I can't believe you said that to me! Am I not worth it Thomas? Did us making love just end up being a one time thing and seducing me just so you can say I wasn't worth it?" I asked feeling tears roll down my cheeks.

"I know Annemarie I'm such an ass hole. I have no idea why I said that, I just felt angry" he replied "you are worth it Annemarie, your worth the pain and anguish Annemarie. You're worth everything, my life, my peoples life" he finished.

We both got off our horses. I slapped him "that was for the guards and the people" I said.

"I deserve that, but it was the only way I could get to you" he moved his hand toward me "come home Annemarie, please" he finished.

I got on the horse and looked down at him, he dropped his hand and smiled. I started to laugh and started for the castle.

When I got there Serena got off and went to her room. I put the horse in the castle stables and pet it's head. Serena yelled to me and told me it was a girl. I laughed as I tried to think of a name for her. "How about Mina? You like Mina?" I asked her.

She looked away "hmm, Merida?" I said. She looked at me and neighed. "All right then Merida, that shall be your name" I brushed her.

"Finally named her?" Thomas asked behind me.

"Yeah, I haven't taken care and had a horse of my own since I was twelve when he got old and died" I said.

"Well we have people to do that" he walked next to me and moved in front of me.

I looked away and got mad, I was still mad at him. I felt like this was all a lie.

He lifted my chin to face him, I looked him in the eyes. "How about we adopt Serena, you were right I should've just let you finish what you had to say. Do you really think we're ready?" He asked me.

"Serena behaves Thomas, I asked her and she said that she would love it" I replied. Then I remembered her in the bathroom.

"Well if you want to adopt her then you can, Ann" he said and walked away.

I smiled and bit my lip as I finished brushing Merida. He just wanted me to have my way so I wasn't mad at him anymore. But adopting Serena would be a dream to me, she's so bright. She gives me hope that things will get better.

Adopting her is what's best for her and that's what I want. After a few hours I had Cameron get me the papers so that it'll be official. Thomas and I signed it, Cameron brought it back and said that they approved.

Serena was officially our daughter, I was excited to be her mom, and treat her right.

So, Serena is officially Thomas and Annemarie's daughter. But can Ann forgive about what Thomas said? Will she still feel the same?

Next chapter shall be updated in a few days, be sure to check my news feed.

Love y'all, comment and vote if you think the chapter deserved it. Thanks!
~ N

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