Chapter 3. What a wonderful world

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Meanwhile back at the castle-

"She's gone Carl!" Sara sobbed "is she dead? Is my baby girl dead?"

"It's ok my love, I'm sure she's fine with her training she should be-"

"Oh shut up about your useless training, she is probably half scared to death" Sara said with fright.

"How the hell did they get past the wall?" The King said angrily to the general.

"I don't know my king, he killed the five guards that were on watch that night" the general replied achy.

"Sir! There was more than one man" a soldier said at the door, the general rushed to the princesses room.

"See there? The rug looks like one man was on there, while the other one was hiding waiting for the princess to come out and strike her from behind, you can tell from the closet door" he said.

"Good man" the general said patting his back "I assure you my queen you have nothing to worry, we'll find the men and bring the princess back"

"My lord! A message from them" a servant said.

The king reached for the letter and ripped it open.

Dear my royal enemy:

Missing some one are we? Don't worry, the princess will be safe for now, you have some people we would like back. And don't be surprised if the princess is fighting against you if you declare war, we will be ready.

Sincerely ~ T

The king threw the letter to the ground "general, we have a war to prepare for" the king said.

The general made an evil smile and bent down a bit with his head and walked out.

(Back with Annemarie)

I woke up in a strange looking room, but yet it was beautiful. I sat up from the bed I laid on. My curls in my hair followed me. I looked around and saw clothes on a chair next to a desk. I quickly grabbed them and put them on, it felt nice to get out of the nightgown. The dress was beautiful though, laces of blue flowers covered the waste and pink cloth was used for the main part of the dress.

I fixed my hair, brushing it until it was straight. Some curls stayed in but I brushed them over to smooth them out so it didn't look sloppy. I still felt, dirty. I needed a bath.

The door opened and I gasped, a man who looked to be my age maybe older. "Oh goodie, you are awake, how did you sleep?" He asked.

I touched the gash that was on my head and quince when I did "that rock-" I began.

"Yes I do apologize for that, it was never their intent to do that" he interrupted.

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

"Names Thomas, leader of the shadow hunters" he said.

My enemy! "No need to be afraid" Aaron said as he walked through the door "once your father gives us our people back and doesn't declare war you'll be home safe and sound"

"Thomas! The enemy King has declared war!" The man who helped kidnap me ran through the door next to Aaron.

Thomas looked at me "hmm, I figured he would"

"My father will win" I said with fright.

Aaron slapped me "shut up, I highly doubt he will, prophecy says you'll fight with us and we will win"

"I will never fight with you!" I yelled at him.

Aaron left with the other man. "You don't understand what your father has done to us, it took me years to get us how we are right now. You were raised wrong, he lied to you"

"What did he do? Why would he lie?" I asked in a whisper but he heard me.

"His father was a shadow hunter and his mother was part of the pandemonium club. He blames us for his mothers death and the torture of his father who also died later, ever since then my father made a peace treaty with him but he broke it after I was born. We've been enemies ever since, my father was killed in battle and here I am now" he explained.

I wanted to say he was beautiful to look at but I barely knew him. "Follow me will you?" He asked.

I nodded and walked toward him. He left the room and I follow silently behind him.

He led me to what looked like a balcony, when we got there I could see everything and it was beautiful and magical?

Fairies everywhere, this was like a childhood dream. Father said a world like this was only in my head, I seem to be wrong now.

"This is our world and your father hates it all, I remember you one night. You came here when I was little and we climbed a tree right?" Thomas asked.

"Ought it to be dream though right?" I said back.

He shrugged "maybe it was, maybe it wasn't but to me it was real because I live here" he replied.

I waved my hands "doesn't matter does it? I mean we were kids, and it seems you still are" I said and walked away.

Thomas grabbed my arm "hey! Unhand me now!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me with cold eyes, his grip was strong and he didn't even move an inch when I struggled, then he let me go. I saw a print of where he was grabbing and I ran to my room, knowing he was following me. I slammed the door in his face if he was even behind me.

Yes their world was beautiful and yes the dream could've been real, but I know my father wouldn't even call me his daughter if I fought against him, against my kingdom.

There was a knock at the door and it was Aaron "get away from me, please" I said.

I did not trust Aaron any more. "Relax I'm in a good mood, besides I wanted this moment to be special" he said,

"Stay away from me" I said. He pulled me against him hard, I tried to push him away. He started kissing my cheek "please just stop now!" I yelled.

"Oh come on princess, be my queen"

"Help! Help please!" I yelled. I heard the door slam open and Aaron was thrown across the room. Thomas was standing in front of me with a gun pointed at Aaron. "You need serious help bro" Thomas said.

Aaron smirked and left. Thomas looked at me "you should really lock your door" he said and left.

I slammed the door and locked it. If I was gonna be stuck here for a while, I might as well fix my room up a bit.

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