Chapter 15. Unbreakable

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Lillian walked over to Serena's body "she'll be ok, she remembers everything that happened. But I'm still connected to her, so it's like she's my daughter I can control" she said.

"It would be best if you acted as her mother, I don't need a scared child on my ass" Thomas muttered.

"Thomas stop" I said and looked at him. I was in shock, I looked back at her.

"How did you-?"

"Live? Survive? Pfft that was more of a decoy of me, the sweet innocent girl who used to be me. Of course when she sacrificed herself I kinda told her to because I need you alive, and it was painful when she was dying but when she died the pain went away" Lillian replied.

"What's so important about me?"

"If you were human, my guess was with proper training you could use mind control, or in my aka poltergeist. But not that your a vampire you can pretty much never die, well the only way you do is getting your head cut off. Now you can run faster, heal, pfft who knows what else you can do" she replied.

I was disgusted because she did this to me, but she did it for me. "There's a war coming Ann, we need you to help".

"Why would I help you?" I asked.

"To save Thomas, save humanity, save Serena here"Lillian said and looked down at the sleeping little girl.

I looked at Thomas, I would die for him. He's the only person I care about now. I stormed past Lillian and up the stairs.

Thomas followed me, so I led us to his room. I looked at him as he closed the door.

"I'll fight, for you" I said.

"No Ann you don't have to" he replied, he got closer.

"If I don't fight, humans will be extinct" I said.

"Pfft if anything make me a vampire and say screw it anyway" he said.

"That's just selfish, I can't just do that. I would live with guilt everyday, I'm going to fight with whoever she means. You're not changing my mind either, and if I die then I die but you heard her I can only die if I get my head cut off" I rubbed my eyes, I felt tired.

"Tired?" He asked me.

"I'm an open book to you aren't I?"

"Please I've known you long enough to know when your tired" I remembered the night when I woke up in his bed, in his arms.

It put a smile on my face every time I thought of that night, all I need was to go to this war and focus on that night and fighting these bastards.

"Your gonna need a coach" he hugged me.

"You and Lillian, she knows what we're up against" I hugged him back. A knock at the door interrupted our moment and Lillian came in.

"We gonna start or what?"

"Fine" I said and followed her to the court yard.

She started to explain what we were dealing with "I guess you could say demon angels, makes no sense I know but there is such thing. God got a message from a man who said the human race was completely in danger and only one can save all. He did research and that led to you, he said we need to train you ASAP.

These things are dangerous, they could rip a heart out of a human in two seconds, smash their skull in one. Some like to do it slowly and painfully, the way to kill them is with silver and fire. Their most weakness is holy water" she started walking back and forth from me to Thomas.

"I've dealt with them once, a few years ago. About five or six got out, we killed them within the week" he said "my dad had a special knife, I always have it with me because it kills anything, even them" he looked at me "even vampires" he finished.

"Not scaring me" I said and looked straight at Lillian.

He grinned, after hours of dodging and self defense Lillian thought I was ready for one at least.

She said something in a foreign language and one appeared. Thomas handed me the knife, I took it.

He darted for me, I ran toward him and pushed him to the ground, or tried. He dodged and took a swing at me, I dodged and got the knife out. It seems he didn't know what kind of knife it was because he chuckled.

I swung, he moved back. He swung and missed, I kicked him in the face and put the knife through his head. It was like lightning in him, he fell and disappeared.

After doing two, then three I finally said enough. I already knew to dodge, jump in the air and kick their face in and rush past them.

Lillian got mad and pouted, she went to her old room and put Serena in hers. I rushed to Thomas's room and quickly changed.

Thomas came through the door and yawned "I'm exhausted" he said getting into bed. He must've already changed but I couldn't tell, it was dark.

I laid next to him, he wrapped his arm around me. His touch gave me chills. I felt like nightmares was gonna haunt my sleep. "I need to do this, for him" I said to myself. The feeling of guilt and anxiety went on a high level.

"Calm down Ann calm down" I thought to myself, eventually I did and went to sleep.

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